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11 Weight Loss Blunders to Stop in 2018

11 Weight Loss Blunders to Stop in 2018

When it comes to weight loss, everyone has something to say on it. There are plenty myths and false information being passed around.

Losing weight can be hard; you are breaking lifelong bad habits, changing how you eat and trying to get healthier. All of this is happening alongside your hectic schedule, trying to enjoy what little free time you do have, and going to the gym.

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It's pretty hard to focus on your goals and planning out a sustainable and healthy way to lose weight. I scour the internet all day reading and trying to help out everyone I can.

There are 11 blunders I see happening the most, so let's go over them.

Weight Loss Blunders

1.) Only Focusing on What You Can't Eat

If the only thing you can think about is what foods you can't have, that's an issue.

I was talking to the Editorial Director here at Tiger Fitness about switching to a lower carbohydrate diet and he was telling me what I should steer clear from. I was bummed for a few seconds when I would have to give up my rice and pasta for a while, but I moved on.

I realized I could eat all of the grilled asparagus and vegetables I want, bacon, meats, and healthy fats. I think I can give up a couple of foods to enjoy the rest of the nutritious and tasty foods out there.

Quit focusing on what you can't have and shift your focus to what you can have. There is no reason you should get bummed out because you can't have bread or your favorite dessert. Moderation is key; you aren't losing these delicious treats forever.

2.) All or Nothing Mentality

The next worst blunder is when you see someone going full bore into losing weight. They adopt an "all or nothing" mentality; if you don't deprive yourself every delicious and fun thing to eat, you aren't going to lose weight.

As you see, this isn't sustainable and will be detrimental in the long run.

If you happen to stick to your guns on the issue, you could develop eating disorders due to being afraid that if you enjoy a reasonable portion of your favorite food that you will gain your weight back.

The 80/20 rule should be applied. If you can get 80% of your calories from nutritious and healthy foods, the last 20% of your calories can come from things you love.

3.) Not Planning Ahead

You've come up with your goal: Lose 100 pounds. Now what?

Prepare yourself for success by coming up with a realistic plan that contains small actionable steps that you can work towards. Start small and work your way up.

For example, cutting out soda 2 days per week doesn't sound like much of a feat, does it? What if you stop drinking soda one additional day every week? That sounds reasonable, right?

With this plan, you're going to cut out soda completely (and not want it) in 6 weeks and you have hardly had to change anything.

Making small changes and building from that foundation is what builds a sustainable weight loss journey.

4.) Simply Cutting Out a Food Group

Cutting out a whole food group for a "diet" is not a diet at all, it's deprivation. Depriving yourself of something makes you naturally want it more.

What's worse, it will create an unbalanced diet that will eventually lead to deficiencies in certain nutrients and minerals.

If you have decided to completely cut out a food group, can you really eat like this for the rest of your life? Is it worth losing the 20 pounds to gain back 40 trying to lose weight this way?

5.) Liquid Meal Replacements

With smoothies and green juices being a huge fad right now, many people are going to replace meals with these.

Most of these juices lack the fiber and protein you need in your diet to remain satiated and regular.

The smoothies are loaded with sugars from the oversized portions and fruit juices in them. The calorie count can skyrocket once you start adding large portions of healthy fat sources like nuts and seeds.

6.) Thinking Fats Make You Fat

From the 70s to the 90s, there was a "fat makes you fat" scare. This is what spawned the low-fat and fat-free versions of many (healthy) foods.

These "low-fat" foods are stuffed with sugars and refined carbs, which you should already know has a detrimental effect on your health and waistline.

If you start including healthy fats into every meal by eating nuts, seeds, liquid oils, avocados, oily fish, soy, and dairy products, you'll start feeling fuller and you will not crave the sugary bull crap we think we like.

7.) Eating Dangerously Low Calories

The calorie counting trap is real.

The fewer calories you eat, the more weight you lose... Right?

We are so obsessed with counting calories that we deprive ourselves the nutrients that our body needs to perform.

Instead of trying to starve yourself with 1200 calories, why not eat more calories that are full of nutritious foods?

Count nutrients, not calories. You'll start making better food choices and not feeling guilty because you have eaten more calories.

8.) Ditching Fruits and Veggies Because of Their Sugar Content

If you compare the sugar content of fruit and veggies to the same sugar content of your favorite highly processed snack, you're doing it wrong.

Sure, some fruits have a higher amount of sugar in them, but they contain fiber which offsets the effect on blood sugar.

These sugars are naturally occurring and your body processes it much easier.

Start comparing apples to apples instead of apples to Snickers... It just doesn't make sense.

9.) Relying on Supplements and Weight Loss Pills

Weight loss pills and supplements do just that - supplement. Relying on a pill instead of a portion to lose weight is dumb and will not really work long term.

If there was something that actually worked like that, do you think we'd be sitting here having this conversation? We are so desperate to find a quick fix that we don't change to a healthier lifestyle, we try to find something that will override it.

Long-term weight loss management is a skill that requires changing your mentality on food and educating yourself on proper nutrition and diet techniques.

Quit listening to your friend's fat aunt that sells wraps... It obviously doesn't work for her.

10.) You Use the Weekend as a Food Free for All

If you were to follow the 80/20 rule when eating, you wouldn't feel the need for the weekend "free-for-alls."

If you patiently starve yourself all week to have that pizza with your boys on the weekend, you're doing it wrong.

Eating mindfully while you eat your favorite foods will help you eat a reasonable amount instead of undoing a week's worth of hard work.

11.) Not Drinking Enough Water

I'm sitting here thirsty and holding onto water because even I don't follow this all of the time.

If you start drinking more water, your body is going to start decreasing how much you can physically eat. Staying hydrated keeps those pesky headaches away, it helps your body regulate how much water it is holding, and helps with your mental and physical performance.

Grab a nice water bottle and drink up. The fewer times you have to go and make yourself a glass of water, the more you'll be drinking.

Wrapping It Up

Weight loss doesn't involve dumb rules and deprivation. It involves making smarter and healthier choices more often than not.

It takes some willpower, some dedication, and a lot of work... But it's worth it.

Sit down and write in a personal journal all of the nitty gritty details about what you need to change. Be truthful with yourself.

Do you eat by yourself because you have an unhealthy relationship with food? Do you binge on foods when no one is looking? Do you turn to food during stressful times?

All of this stuff are things I have done or still do. I refuse to eat with friends and family because of an unhealthy relationship I've had with food.

I've slowly changed habits of binge and emotional eating into discipline and I've never felt better. Quit being hard on yourself, enjoy life a little, and start making a few steps towards getting healthy.

I may not be able to run a mile, but I could certainly keep walking until I finally get there.

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