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Bodybuilding Over 40: How to Train and Gain

Bodybuilding Over 40: How to Train and Gain

Never stop!

When young bodybuilders train with weights they are able to push harder, increasing the weights nearly every workout. As the years go by, they soon realize their body has changed - they may slow down a bit as the aches and pains creep in. The bodybuilder over 40 typically has been training for decades and more than likely has amassed a few injuries along the way.

The question is...

Are older bodybuilders still able to make gains in strength and size safely?

The answer is Yes! Training routines will need to be altered a bit using moderate poundages instead of bar-bending loads. Of utmost importance is proper form in all exercises to place the resistance on the muscle while avoiding tearing ligaments and tendons. This advice is best heeded by bodybuilders of all ages to develop muscles to the fullest while avoiding injuries.

Train your entire body regularly to maintain strength and conditioning throughout, using weight levels that continue to tax your muscles and strive to add weight to the bar or machine at every workout. Use a varied workout routine-changing it often to keep it fresh and stimulating your muscles.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) should be used to maximize your cardiovascular conditioning. After a thorough warm-up, do a 20-second burst of all-out peddling on a stationary or traditional bike followed by a one minute low intensity peddling period. Do four of these when beginning, increasing to 7-8 later on.

HIT Bodybuilding Routine for the Over-40 Lifter

The following HIT routine will prove to be effective for the over 40 bodybuilder:
Chest Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Pec Dec Flyes  1  15
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press  1  10
Machine Dips  1  6

Back Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Stiff-Arm Pull-Downs  1  12
One-Arm Dumbbell Rows  1  8
Medium-Grip Lat Pull-Downs  1  10

Legs Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Lunges  1  15 Each Leg
Leg Press  1  12
Barbell Squat  1  10

Shoulder Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Machine or Dumbbell Side Delt Raise  1  12
Dumbbell Press  1  8

Biceps Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Concentration Curls  1  12
Palms Facing Lat Pull-Downs  1  8

Triceps Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing Cable Push-Downs  1  12
Standing Bar Dips  1  10

Abs Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Machine Ab Crunches  1  25
Leg Raises on Flat Bench  1  20

Forearms Workout
Over-40 Bodybuilding
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Wrist Curls  1  25
Reverse Wrist Curls  1  25

Give this basic HIT training routine a try in your next workout cycle. End most sets at the point of muscular failure using moderate level weights.
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