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Pump and Flush Training System by Kris Gethin

Pump and Flush Training System by Kris Gethin

For a recovery week, we need something to flood blood into the muscles and promote recovery. This will keep you making gains even on your ?deload week.? This is what Kris designed this program.

Check these videos and workouts out and be sure to let us know how you like them.

Intro to Pump and Flush

Kris Gethin

Chest and Triceps
Chest and Triceps
Workout Plan
Exercise Sets Reps
Incline Cable Fly  2  15
Flat Dumbbell Press  2  15
Partial Decline Pushup  2  15
Standing Cable Crossover  2  15
Machine Incline Press  2  15
Incline Pushups  2  30
Incline Cable Skullcrusher  2  15
Dips  2  15
Close Grip Pushups  2  30
Overhead Extension  2  15
Close Grip Incline Press  2  15
Bench Dips  2  15

Back and Biceps

Back and Biceps
Workout Plan
Exercise Sets Reps
Dumbbell Pullovers  2  15
Bent Over Rows  2  15
Scapular Contraction  2  15
Straight Arm Pullover  2  15
Lat Pulldown  2  15
Good Mornings  2  15
Bent Over Rows Reverse Grip with Cable Burnout Droopset
Reverse Grip Cable Curl  2  15
EZ Bar Curl  2  15
High Pulley Cable Curl  2  15
Preacher Curl  2  15
Alternate Dumbbell Curl  2  15
High Pulley Cable Curl  2  15

Legs and Shoulders

Legs and Shoulders
Workout Plan
Exercise Sets Reps
Leg Curl  2  15
Leg Press  2  15
Glute/Ham Raise  2  15
Leg Extension  2  15
Squat  2  15
Hack Squat  2  15
Drop Set Hill Squats/Split Squat  2  15
Standing Cable Raise  2  15
Side Dumbbell Raise  2  15
90 Degree Raise  2  15
Lying Front Cable Raise  2  15
Barbell Raise  2  15
Row Raise  2  15
Upright Rows  10  10

 Abs and Calves

Calves and Abs
Workout Plan
Exercise Sets Reps
Crunches  2  15
Hanging Leg Raise  2  15
Rope Crunches  2  15
Lying Leg Raises  2  15
Situps  2  15
Bicycle Crunch  2  15
Calf Raise on Block  2  15
Leg Press Calf Raise  2  15
Floor Calf Raise  2  15
Seated Calf Raise  2  15
Standing Calf Raise  2  15
BURNOUT Donkey Calf Raises
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