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From your waist circumference to body mass index (BMI), there are many different metrics you can use to calculate your level of health and fitness. Body fat percentage remains one of the most popular and most trusted of these metrics. While it's not perfect and doesn't tell the whole story, your body fat percentage can give you a benchmark to work towards and a general idea of whether your training and nutrition are heading in the right direction.
Let's break down what body fat is, why it matters, and how to calculate it.
Not all body fat is alike, and body fat isn't inherently bad.
In fact, your body fat is essential for a healthy life. Fat cells provide fuel during your workouts, help to produce important hormones — especially growth hormone, insulin, and estrogen, which is why female bodybuilders with very low body fat levels often experience irregularities with their monthly cycle — and protect your organs from injury.
There are different kinds of body fat, each with different impacts on your health. Generally, body fat gets grouped into three categories:
The amount of body fat you need and what's deemed healthy varies according to your gender.
According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the American Council on Exercise (ACE), general body fat percentages for men can fall into the following categories:
For women, there's more leeway:
For the typical gym-goer, aiming for the general fitness category will sculpt that healthy, fit appearance (and the underlying health benefits) that many weekend warriors desire.
But if you're hoping to have a Hollywood-worthy torso, or you're seeking to look cut and jacked, there are a few things to keep in mind.
When workout enthusiasts start crunching the numbers and monitoring their body fat, they're likely seeking to attain the ideal body displayed on magazine covers, movies, and across social media. Yet those social media images of lean, hard bodies are hardly a reflection of real life.
To get that lean, shredded look that you might see on Instagram or in a magazine, bodybuilder Dan Trink recently shared in an interview that it takes intense dieting, extreme elimination of certain food groups, and a lot of spray tan.
Maintaining that look — and that routine — isn't just unsustainable for extended periods of time. Keeping your body fat levels so low can also lead to worrying (and sometimes permanent) symptoms, including:
This is why bodybuilders change their diet dramatically during the so-called "off-season" and why your goal should be finding a balance between a healthy, sustainable lifestyle and the lean, ripped look you want.
There are several ways to calculate your body fat percentage, each ranging in accuracy and difficulty:
The best way to measure body fat is the one that you use consistently. Even if your specific approach is inaccurate, using the same approach can help you track your progress effectively.
If you determine that you want to bring your body fat down, consider these body fat-targeting tips and tricks:
Body fat is not the best way to gauge overall fitness and health, just as BMI or waist circumference are sometimes misleading or inaccurate.
However, when combined with other measurements and your general self-awareness — Do you feel energetic? Do you have lots of stamina and mental clarity? Or do you feel heavy, sluggish, and bloated? — your body fat percentage can be a useful clue that points the way to your healthiest, happiest self.
Burning off excess body fat, or maintaining a healthy and lean body, is as much about nutrition as it is about your next workout. Tiger Fitness has everything you need for optimal body fat levels. Fuel up with protein shakes. Get energized for the gym with a potent pre-workout. And enhance your overall fat-burning journey with fat burners and weight loss supplements.