Barbell Jump Squat Instructions
LIGHT WEIGHT must be used. This exercise is meant to develop your power output. Never go above 30% of your BB Back Squat 1RM.
- Be in a strong athletic position: knees flexed, core and glutes activated, chest up, and shoulders back.
- Get underneath the bar, placing it on your traps.
- Have your hands outside shoulder-width in a position. You want to keep your shoulders pinned back. The equates to a strong upper back position.
- The bar does not sit loosely on your back.
- Have a firm but supple grasp on the bar.
- Unrack the bar and step back one foot at a time.
- Place your feet just outside shoulder-width with your toes pointed out slightly.
- Push your hips back slightly and descend into the bottom position.
- Maintain a strong core with a neutral spine throughout.
- When the crease of your hip is roughly parallel to the floor, explode up and jump!
- LAND IN A STRONG, SUPPLE quarter-squat position then stand back up.
- Don't land with straight legs.
- Don't land in the complete bottom of a squat.
- Again, LIGHT WEIGHT must be used. This exercise is meant to develop your power output. Never go above 30% of your BB Back Squat 1RM.
- Focus on landing soft and supple with complete control of the barbell on your back. Never let the bar stray from your traps.
- When landing, don't let your knees track inward.