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Decline Push-ups

Decline Push-ups

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Chest
Secondary Muscle(s) Shoulders, Triceps
Equipment Bodyweight
Emphasis Compound
Type Push

Decline Push-up Instructions

  • Have access to a flat bench or elevated stand.
  • Position your feet on the edge of the platform with toes pointed down and walk your hands out until your body is in a braced, neutral position. 
  • Tighten your core: glutes contracted, legs straight and keep your bodyweight centered roughly over your hands with your shoulders braced.
    • Maintaining this stable shoulder position is key for properly loading your triceps and chest.
  • Lower yourself down at a slow, controlled speed, loading your chest and triceps, until your chest is almost touching the floor.
  • Press up while maintaining your strong core position.


  • The higher the platform, the more challenging the exercise becomes on the chest.
  • Your back should not be excessively arched nor should your hips and knees sag.
  • Your elbows should not flare excessively. 
    • Think about maintaining a vertical forearm position.
  • At the bottom position, if your hands are outside your elbows, you need to adjust your starting hand position.
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