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Incline Barbell Tricep Extensions

Exercise Summary
Primary Muscle(s) Triceps
Secondary Muscle(s) Forearms
Equipment Barbell
Emphasis Isolation
Type Push

Incline Barbell Tricep Extensions Instruction

  • Lay back on an incline bench and hold barbell just inside shoulder-width. 
  • Position the bar over your head with arms fully extended. 
    • Imagine bringing your armpits forward. This will create a stable shoulder position.
    • Don't let your wrist roll back.
  • Begin by lowering the bar behind your head in a semicircular movement keeping your elbows relatively fixed.
    • Feel your triceps eccentrically loading.
    • Elbows do not flare excessively internal or external. 
  • Initiate the mind-muscle connection of creating and maintaining tension in the tricep throughout the exercise.
  • You can allow your elbows to track behind you slightly.
    • This will create a greater stretch in the tricep.
  • Extend your arms to bring the bar back to the starting position.
    • Bar follows the same semi-circular path as the eccentric.


    • Keep the weight light and aim for volume. Heavy weight can wreak havoc on your elbows if you perform the exercise incorrectly or attempt to progress too fast. 
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