February 22, 2021
Team Tiger Fitness
One Arm Kettlebell Clean
One Arm Kettlebell Clean Instructions
- Feet positioned at shoulder-width.
- Knees are slightly bent with your toes pointed straight ahead.
- The core is braced and engaged, glutes are activated.
- Chest is up with your shoulders back.
- You have a neutral spine.
- Eyes are looking straight ahead with neutral neck.
- Hold a KB in front of you.
- Brace your core and subtly hinge at the hips lowering the KB to mid thigh.
- Once the KB reaches mid thigh, explode up by extending your ankles, knees, and hips while shrugging your shoulders to elevate the weight.
- This is an athletic, rhythmic movement.
- Your arm is passive. You are not pulling the weight up with your arms.
- The triple extension of the ankles, knees, and hips raises the KB vertically.
- Once the KB reaches shoulder height, "drop" underneath and catch the weight by bring your elbows up and through.
- After catching the weight, stand up.
- Always keep the weight as close to your body as possible.
- Keeping your core braced does not mean arching your back severely. To fully understand tightening your mid-section, click here.
- You want to perform this exercise fast with lighter weights, don't always be quick to grab the heaviest KB you can.
- This exercise can be performed with a DB as well.