February 23, 2021 Tricep Kickbacks How you position your body will dictate the amount of tension and quality of contraction you get from the kickback. Read now
February 23, 2021 Lying Dumbbell Tricep Extension Be subtle with your elbow movement. The purpose of your elbows tracking is to generate a proper stretch in the tricep. Read now
February 23, 2021 One Arm Dumbbell Tricep Extension A neutral spine and tight core is a must to execute this exercise properly and maximize your tricep work. Read now
February 22, 2021 Dumbbell Upright Row Learn optimal technique to safely build your delts and prevent shoulder impengements in the process. Read now
February 22, 2021 Dumbbell Clean You want to perform this exercise fast with lighter weights, don't always be quick to grab the heaviest DB's you can. Read now
February 22, 2021 Dumbbell Hamstring Curl Avoid excess momentum, you have to have strict body control to keep the tension on your hamstrings. Read now
February 19, 2021 Seated One Arm Dumbbell Wrist Curl It may look silly, but this exercise is valuable for building grip and forearms strength. Read now
February 19, 2021 Reverse Grip Dumbbell Wrist Curl Negate the urge to shrug or curl the weight as you fatigue. Read now