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We've always been told you are what you eat. If that was the case I would have turned into pizza and sushi by now.
Anyways, there's some new research emerging that goes over our gut health. The science emerging is showing us the benefits of having a healthy gut biome.
Related - Improve Gut Health in as Little as One Day
The biggest benefit of having a healthy gut biome is the inflammation control. Chronic inflammation is the main common factor in many diseases.
No inflammation, no disease.
Your microbiome is a network of trillions of bacteria that live in your gastrointestinal tract. We are learning the different types of bacteria that are good to have, and bad to have.
Your gut may be the reason why you have a risk factor for diabetes, cancer, asthma, heart disease, obesity, and Alzheimer's.
The $37 billion probiotic industry is raking in the cash on that evidence due to the fact popping a probiotic pill is the first thing many people think of doing. While supplements can be part of a healthy lifestyle, taking a holistic approach to your gut health may be more helpful due to how complex a healthy gut is.
Research shows that our gut biome makes up 80 percent of your immune system. That bacteria in your gut will help your body with pretty much everything, including helping you digest food, think clearer, and maintain a healthy weight.
When your gut is out of balance, you can look forward to possible weight gain, diabetes, foggy brain, and cancer.
With highly-processed foods and sugar lacing our diets, it's no wonder that our gut health is on the decline. Eating conventionally raised meat and dairy products that are full of hormones and antibiotics, too many antacids, and chronic stress has ruined our gut health.
Did you know that the some say the community of bacteria we host outnumbers the cells in your body by a 10-to-1 ratio?
Consuming fermented foods daily, aside from supplements, is the best bet for inviting the good gut bacteria in.
Reduce your refined carbs and added sugars and start enjoying a healthier gut biome.
Top Natural Sources of Probiotics
There are many other foods that are probiotic-enhanced and are "shelf-stable" like sauerkraut chips.
Plant-based diets are becoming more popular due to their health benefits. The disease-fighting antioxidants and enzymes found in plants provide a lot of fiber and dietary nutrients.
The average American doesn't even eat half of the daily recommended fiber.
When you eat a prebiotic, your body ferments the food by the bacteria in your gut so that it can produce a beneficial short-chain fatty acid, providing the health benefits.
Top Natural Sources of Prebiotics
Eating vegetables with its skin on is important to getting the most prebiotics. The cooking process breaks down some of the fibers, so eating raw veggies will up your prebiotic intake.
#1 - Avoid Microbiome Destroyers
Artificial sweeteners, sugar, non-organic produce, GMOs, and overly sterilized environments all can destroy our biome.
A less commonly known thing is that sugar and artificial sweeteners tend to promote an overgrowth of bad bacteria that could lead to sugar cravings, brain fog, increased risk of obesity, and more.
Another overlooked source of gut microbiome destroying chemicals is your tap water. Much of our tap water is treated with chlorine, fluoride, and aluminum.
#2 - Stop with the Sugar
You can't have a healthy gut microbiome while you eat large amounts of sugary foods.
Start opting for fresh, whole foods instead of highly-processed foods.
#3 - Up Your Fiber Intake
Instead of sugars, let's try the prebiotic fiber.
Getting enough fiber helps your digestive tract stay healthy and improves the passage of your bodily waste. If food stays in your gut too long, it putrefies, creates harmful toxins, and will feed unwanted bacteria in your gut.
#4 - Get Some Fermented Foods Down
Introducing fermented vegetables or high-quality probiotic supplements are great once you reduce the microbiome destroyers.
Getting some dietary and supplementary bacteria into you will accelerate your healthy bacterial growth and will promote a flourishing and diverse microbiome.
If you've tried some fermented foods and your body reacts to it, that's ok. Just avoid that particular fermented food.
#5 - Try Intermittent Fasting
An outside-the-box approach to improving your gut biome, intermittent fasting helps with inflammation.
Many people's gut biomes are lacking often have gut inflammation, bacterial imbalances, and generally a low immunity. This is also accompanied by leaky gut.
Fasting allows your body to heal its digestive track.
#6 - Get Rid of the Bad Guys
If your microbiome is off, your ability to fight off pathogens is reduced.
Keeping foreign pathogens fought off requires a healthy microbiome. Otherwise, they will damage your gut, release toxins, and crowd out your healthy bacteria.
#7 - Fortify Your Mucosal Barrier
Most of your gut bacteria live in your mucosal barrier. Making sure it is intact ensures a proper environment for your gut biome to thrive.
The mucosal barrier also acts as a protective barrier against pathogens, toxins, and stomach acid.
Start eating an anti-inflammatory diet - it will limit toxin exposure and common food sensitivities.#8 - Don't Be Afraid to Get Dirty
Did you know that walking barefoot outside has been shown to improve your mood, boost creativity, and help you sleep better at night?
When I first heard about this, I thought it was a lie... but it's not.
The animals, plants, and dirt that are in your surroundings play a huge role in your gut health. The unique and diverse bacteria we run across by coming in contact with soil and animals improves the health of our gut biome.
Having a pet changes and benefits your gut biome.
Studies show that kids who are raised with pets actually have lower rates of allergies and obesity.
#9 - Skip the Harsh Chemicals
Boosting your home's microbiome is something that many people fail to do.
We are so obsessed with cleaning and sterilizing everything. These harsh chemicals come with their own health risks.
The air inside of your home gets stale if you don't open some windows and let fresh air in. Try grabbing a few plants to place around the house - they will help filter and clean the air.
#10 - Reduce Stress
If you are chronically stressed, chances are you are ruining your gut biome.
Research shows that exposure to high levels of stress will change the composition of your gut bacteria in a negative way.
We can't avoid every toxin and chemical that are exposed to us on the daily. We can, however, show a little gratitude and meditate some of that stress away.