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Vegans: Humans Were Meant to Eat Meat - Here's Why
With the vegan and vegetarian lifestyles gaining in popularity, people are somehow telling themselves that a plant-based diet is going to fulfill all of your nutritional needs.
Taking a look at other diets such as Paleo that are supposed to be based on what our great ancestors ate, how can you really say not eating meat is nutritionally okay?
Related - Vegan Diet Plan for Building Muscle
The vitamins and nutrients you get from meat are no longer entering your system, causing deficiencies that can lead to fatigue, confusion, and overall decreased brain volume.
Meat consumption has been blamed for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. While everyone is quick to throw out some paid study from some vegan-funded program saying how there is a link between meat and those ailments, it's just a lie.
The problem isn't with meat, it's with sugar, the overeating of highly-processed carbs, and excessive consumption of grains and potatoes. It's not the steak, it's those donuts.
You see, for millions of years we've been meat-eaters. It's only been in the last 10,000 years or so that we've even cultivated grains and legumes.
We've switched from a mostly meat diet to a heavy grain and sugar-based diet and it has skyrocketed obesity rates, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Over the past 10,000 years, we've also gotten smaller in stature and our brain size has followed.
It's not an accident that this is happening.
So even though we are genetically programmed to eat meat, let's go over a few more reasons why you should eat meat.
Meat is obviously the best source of protein, but it also contains all of the amino acids we need, even the ones we can't produce.
Vitamin B is extremely important to our bodies. A vitamin deficiency in B vitamins causes confusion, aggression, impaired senses, weakness, and even peripheral neuropathy.
While many of the B vitamins can be found in plant sources, vitamin B12 only comes from meat sources.
If you've ever eaten a highly-processed meal or fast food and you have a crash soon after, it's the simple carbs and sugars taking a toll on your body.
It's not the low-quality meat they use, it's the sugars.
Meat is also one of the best sources of iron for our bodies. Low iron can cause anemia and low energy; a problem for many vegetarians.
If you really want to get your body up and running, eat some meat with vegetables with a low glycemic index.
Since meat contains all of the essential amino acids our body need, not eating meat causes imbalances, which lead to problems such as hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression.
Since this is the case, you better start shelling out some big bucks to the big pharma industry so you can take chemicals to cure some of these conditions instead of eating a juicy hamburger.
The old saying "you break down your muscles in the gym and rebuild them in the kitchen" is true for a reason.
Meat contains the vitamins and minerals that help build our muscles like zinc and iron, which repair our muscles and boosts our energy levels.
Since meat contains creatine, it also helps improve our protein synthesis and provides our muscles with energy.
Meat has a very high thermogenic effect because of the protein content. Think about those meat sweats you had the other night.
About 30 percent of calories from meat is burned off during digestion alone. Carbohydrates produce about a six to eight percent increase in energy expenditure, while meat typically can produce anywhere between 25 to 40 percent increases.
If you want your muscles to grow, eat meat.
You benefit from stable energy levels and you can create a feeling of satiety between meals. It actually will keep you full, unlike that Chinese food you just ate.
Eating meat also curbs cravings for unhealthy foods, fattening snacks, and sweets.
We have incisors to tear meat, and molars to grind the meat. If we weren't supposed to eat meat, wouldn't you think our mouths would look more like an herbivore's mouth?
Our digestive systems wouldn't be as complex as they are, instead, they would be more like a cow, so we could break down plant material. Yum.
All of our health conditions we have now weren't around in the caveman years. They lived off of meat, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, and some vegetables.
We are hunter/gatherers by DNA, why increase your risk for all of these diseases and ailments that come with a non-meat diet?
Be proud.
You're eating meat, which holds so many nutritional benefits to your body that vegans and vegetarians literally wish they could get.
Or they can blame something else on meat and try to get more people to come to their side. Either way, eat that steak, smash that turkey, and make some gains.
Taking a look at other diets such as Paleo that are supposed to be based on what our great ancestors ate, how can you really say not eating meat is nutritionally okay?
Related - Vegan Diet Plan for Building Muscle
The vitamins and nutrients you get from meat are no longer entering your system, causing deficiencies that can lead to fatigue, confusion, and overall decreased brain volume.
Meat Eating Myths
Regardless of your views on eating meat, there are a few myths I'd like you to think about.Meat consumption has been blamed for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease. While everyone is quick to throw out some paid study from some vegan-funded program saying how there is a link between meat and those ailments, it's just a lie.
The problem isn't with meat, it's with sugar, the overeating of highly-processed carbs, and excessive consumption of grains and potatoes. It's not the steak, it's those donuts.
You see, for millions of years we've been meat-eaters. It's only been in the last 10,000 years or so that we've even cultivated grains and legumes.
We've switched from a mostly meat diet to a heavy grain and sugar-based diet and it has skyrocketed obesity rates, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Over the past 10,000 years, we've also gotten smaller in stature and our brain size has followed.
It's not an accident that this is happening.
So even though we are genetically programmed to eat meat, let's go over a few more reasons why you should eat meat.
We Get Our Essential Nutrients

Vitamin B is extremely important to our bodies. A vitamin deficiency in B vitamins causes confusion, aggression, impaired senses, weakness, and even peripheral neuropathy.
While many of the B vitamins can be found in plant sources, vitamin B12 only comes from meat sources.
You Get Energy That Lasts
Our bodies use protein from meats as a sustained and long-lasting energy source.If you've ever eaten a highly-processed meal or fast food and you have a crash soon after, it's the simple carbs and sugars taking a toll on your body.
It's not the low-quality meat they use, it's the sugars.
Meat is also one of the best sources of iron for our bodies. Low iron can cause anemia and low energy; a problem for many vegetarians.
If you really want to get your body up and running, eat some meat with vegetables with a low glycemic index.
It Keeps Our Neurotransmitters Healthy
Neurotransmitters are basically a chemical messenger that regulate many functions in our body. Our physical and cognitive performance, sleep cycles, weight, and even emotional states are all controlled by neurotransmitters.Since meat contains all of the essential amino acids our body need, not eating meat causes imbalances, which lead to problems such as hyperactivity, anxiety, and depression.
Since this is the case, you better start shelling out some big bucks to the big pharma industry so you can take chemicals to cure some of these conditions instead of eating a juicy hamburger.
It Grows Our Muscles
If you've spent hours a day in the gym and haven't grown the muscles you think you should, there's a reason.The old saying "you break down your muscles in the gym and rebuild them in the kitchen" is true for a reason.
Meat contains the vitamins and minerals that help build our muscles like zinc and iron, which repair our muscles and boosts our energy levels.
Since meat contains creatine, it also helps improve our protein synthesis and provides our muscles with energy.
Meat Also Burns Fat
Wait... What?Meat has a very high thermogenic effect because of the protein content. Think about those meat sweats you had the other night.
About 30 percent of calories from meat is burned off during digestion alone. Carbohydrates produce about a six to eight percent increase in energy expenditure, while meat typically can produce anywhere between 25 to 40 percent increases.
If you want your muscles to grow, eat meat.
It Gives Us Stable Blood Sugar
Meat can stabilize our blood sugar due to a fat and high protein content. Diabetes is a disease where maintaining a stable blood sugar is a must, as well as other chronic diseases.You benefit from stable energy levels and you can create a feeling of satiety between meals. It actually will keep you full, unlike that Chinese food you just ate.
Eating meat also curbs cravings for unhealthy foods, fattening snacks, and sweets.
We Are Meat Eaters
Homo sapiens are meat eaters. Period.We have incisors to tear meat, and molars to grind the meat. If we weren't supposed to eat meat, wouldn't you think our mouths would look more like an herbivore's mouth?
Our digestive systems wouldn't be as complex as they are, instead, they would be more like a cow, so we could break down plant material. Yum.
All of our health conditions we have now weren't around in the caveman years. They lived off of meat, fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, and some vegetables.
We are hunter/gatherers by DNA, why increase your risk for all of these diseases and ailments that come with a non-meat diet?
Wrapping It Up
Look, you don't have to feel guilty because of that burger you just ate. You don't need to explain why you just ate a whole rotisserie chicken.Be proud.
You're eating meat, which holds so many nutritional benefits to your body that vegans and vegetarians literally wish they could get.
Or they can blame something else on meat and try to get more people to come to their side. Either way, eat that steak, smash that turkey, and make some gains.