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1984 Mr. Olympia - Winner Lee Haney

The Felt Forum in New York City was once again the place where the 1984 Mr. Olympia was held. The professional bodybuilding competition organized by the IFBB had set a lot of new standards, one of which was the increased total prize money which summed up to $100,000 starting this year. With 20 competitors, this was also one of the most popular bodybuilding event in 1984 and one of the most competitive ones too.

A lot of people would remember the 1984 Mr. Olympia as the classic combination of old school versus new school bodybuilders. The veteran competitors from the 1960s and the 1970s included Chris Dickerson, Boyer Coe, Albert Beckles, Robby Robinson and others - and the new school lineup was represented by competitors such as Tom Platz, Lee Haney, Samir Bannout, Jusup Wilkousz, Tony Pearson and others.

Related - The Complete History of Bodybuilding

Year 1984 was also the first point in the career of one of the most successful bodybuilders who ever stepped on scene - and one of the two most crowned Olympia title holders ever (along with Ronnie Coleman) - Lee Haney.

Lee Haney was a new rising star in the 1983 Olympia contest - something that inspired him to push harder and prove everyone that he has what it takes to become even more successful and eventually win the prestigious title.

In the previous Mr. Olympia, Haney showed that he has what it takes to compete against the big guys (referring to the more experienced ones). In the 1984 Mr. Olympia, he proved this too by taking the title in his own hands and beating Mohamed Makkawy, Jusup Wilkosz, Albert Beckles, Roy Callender, Samir Bannout and plenty of other guys.

It seems like Lee Haney chose the beginning of his successful bodybuilding career well - at an event with the highest attendance for the prejudging, finals and the largest amount of total prize money for any Olympia to that time. That being said, it is safe to say that the 1984 Mr. Olympia marks another new beginning and 'The Haney Era' as many people know it.


1984 Mr. Olympia Results
Placing Competitor Prize
 1  Lee Haney  $50,000
 2  Mohamed Makkawy  $20,000
 3  Jusup Wilkosz  $20,000
 4  Albert Beckles  $6,000
 5  Roy Callender  $4,000
 6  Samir Bannout $3,000
 7  Bob Paris  
 8  Sergio Oliva  
 9 Tom Platz  
 10  Bob Birdsong  
 11  Chris Dickerson  
 12  Tony Pearson  
 13  Boyer Coe  
 14  Chuck Williams  
 15  Bill Grant  
 16  Charles Glass  
 17  Robby Robinson  
 18  Hubert Metz  
 19  James Gaubert  
 20  Appie Steenbeek  
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