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20 Funny Gym Signs That Might Also Motivate You

20 Funny Gym Signs That Might Also Motivate You

#1 - Make construction workers whistle at you, then beat them up.

Make construction workings whistle at you

#2 - Art show, people exercising.

Art show people exercising

#3 - Are you visible from orbit?

Are you visible from orbit?

#4 - Tired of being fat and ugly?

Tired of being ugly and fat?

#5 - Crack walnuts with your butt cheeks.

Crack walnuts with your butt

#6 - When the aliens come they're going to eat the fatties first.

Aliens will eat the fatties first

#7 - Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the beach.

Beach body

#8 - This way to karma.

This way to karma

#9 - What is the sound of one love handle flapping?

Sound of love handles flapping

#10 - Birthday suits tailored here.

Birthday suits tailored here

#11 - Does your chin have a twin?

Does your chin have a twin

#12 - Time for Silberman's Fitness Center.

Tilting sign

#13 - Education is important. Big biceps are importanter.

Biceps are importenter

#14 - This one runs on fat and saves you money.

This one runs on fat

#15 - T-Rex hates upper body day.

T Rex Loves Leg Day

#16 - Keep your pinkies out when squatting.

Keep your pinkies out when squatting

#17 - Moms love yoga pants. Dads do too.

Mons love yoga pants

#18 - I thought you said pie and lattes.

Pilates pies and lattes

#19 - Torturer gym.

Torturer Gym

#20 - The 6th day was leg day

God rested on the 7th day
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