31 Old School Bodybuilding Magazine Ads You Must See
#1 - Free! Big Muscle Building Book!
"I put 2 full inches on my arms - 3 inches on my chest and trimmed 4 inches off my waist in just 7 weeks... Why not you?"
#2 - Wipe-Out 2 or More Attackers
"Wipe-out 2 or more attackers at once... With Joe Weider's deadly self-defense system!"
#3 - Look What's Happening!
"Look what's happening to the handsome muscular men on Muscle Beach, California! With one twist, in just one second, they're adding inches of muscle, to their arms, chest, shoulders. Why not you?" Unknown
#4 - It Takes a He-Man to Be a G-Man
"It takes a he-man to be a g-man. This free book tells how you can have a body like mine!"
#5 - He Missed Anabolic By About 100 Years
"Gary has the advantage of our modern Weider training principles and Anabolic Mega-Pak. Yes, Sandow missed out in the wonders of Weider... But you're right on time."
#6 - Joe Weider Creates the Strong Arm Method
"She'll love the look of your arm power! New hell bent for leather n' lead bracelets."
#7 - How to Develop a He-Man Personality
"Joe Weider's... How to develop a he-man personality."
#8 - How to Build Your Body
"Yours free! How to build your body with Weider as your leader. $1.00 value for you - at no cost."
#9 - Fear No Man!
"In just 24 hours... You start using these destructive self-defense secrets to render any bully twice your size absolutely helpless in seconds!"
#10 - The Insult
"The insult that made a man out of a Mac."
#11 - Chuck Sipes is No Amateur Muscle Builder
"Results come fast with the Weider System... So be careful how you use it!"
#12 - Now: Lose Ugly Fat Fast!!
"Are you in this picture? Now: Lose ugly fat fast without starvation diet, dangerous drugs or inconvenience!"
#13 - The $10,000 Challenge
"The $10,000 challenge only Joe Weider dares to make!"
#14 - The Battle Fought in Bed
"The battle fought in bed that made Fred a he-man!"
#15 - Fear No Man
"I'll beat the H--- out of you! 10 seconds that separate the men from the boys."
#16 - My Secret New Dynaflex Method
"My secret new dynaflex method can build you a magnificent new he-man-muscled body in just 10 minutes a day."
#17 - Gain Weight
"Introducing the Crash Weight Gain drink that helps put an end to the scrawny body. Fast!"
#18 - The 97 Pound Weakling
"How a 97-pound weakling became the world's most perfectly developed man."
#19 - New Bodies For Old!
"I've made new men out of thousands of other fellows... Here's what I did for Thomas Manfre and what I can do for you!"
#20 - And to Think They Used to Call Me Skinny!
"Give me 15 minutes a day and I'll give you a new body."
#21 - Health, Strength, Grace, Form
"Health, strength, grace, form. How to get them. How to keep them."
#22 - Either That Bulge Goes or I Do!
"Free! The slimmers routine. Savvy slimming tricks to shape you up and trim you down."
#23 - Weider's Home Gym Dumbbell Set
"A dumbbell combination gym set of unusual merit and value."
#24 - Sexy Exercise
"Now relax-a-cizor invents... Sexy exercise for the man."
#25 - Super Protein 90
"Grows massive muscles faster."
#26 - Dynatone... Tone-Up Muscles Effortlessly!
"While you do nothing at all, these electronic units isometrically stimulate seldom used muscles that cause flabbiness and sagging... In just minutes a day!"
#27 - Krushing Power
"Mighty arms in record time. Build terrific arms with the German iron shoe."
#28 - I Dare You to Read My Mail!
"Then you'd be convinced that I can make you the kind of real he-man you'd like to be!"
#29 - No Skinny Man Has an Ounce of Sex Appeal
"But science has proven that thousands don't have to be skinny."
#30 - Spaceman Strength and Endurance
"How to gain up to 50 pounds of mighty muscle!"
#31 - He Was the Shrimp to the Boys at the Baths!
"You can get five power-packed courses compiled by George F. Jowett."