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Branch Warren - Bio and Competition History

Branch Warren is an American bodybuilder who is known for being one of the most notable competitors in the modern era. His popularity is driven by numerous Mr. Olympia appearances, as well as his non-Olympia victories.

Born in Tyler, Texas, Warren recently became a sponsored athlete with Gaspari Nutrition, after years of partnering with MuscleTech.

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Warren currently trains at the Metroflex Gym in Arlington, Texas. His bodybuilding career began early in 1992 when he won the AAU Teenage Mr. America. This victory was followed by the win at the 1993 NPC Teenage Nationals.

Branch Warren has been known by the nickname, "The Texas Titan." This is because of his titan-like physique.

Warren put his bodybuilding career on pause until the 2005 Charlotte Pro, where he won. Branch also took home first place at the 2005 Europa SuperShow, getting his pro card and qualifying for the 2005 Mr. Olympia.

During his Mr. Olympia debut, Warren placed 8th. The following year, at the 2006 Mr. Olympia, he placed 12th.

After this point, Warren began to emerge in his best form and conditioning. He was ready to catapult his promising career even further.

Warren won the 2007 New York Pro in probably the best form of his life. That year, he also placed second at the 2009 Mr. Olympia. This was his personal best.

Branch Warren next went on to place third at the 2010 Mr. Olympia. After this competition, he secured a string of first place victories, including wins at the 2011 and 2012 Arnold Classic, and a 2011 British Grand Prix win.

Warren also won the 2012 Australian Grand Prix, and has competed eight times since.

In 2012 and 2013, Warren placed 5th and 9th at the Mr. Olympia shows - to later place 2nd at the 2015 Arnold Classic and win the 2015 Europa Atlantic City Pro. His last appearance was the 2015 Mr. Olympia when he placed 6th.

Today, Branch Warren is one of the most popular bodybuilders in the modern era. He is thick, grainy and vascular and has earned himself many awards over time.

From the humble early beginnings to placing second at an Olympia event, he has remained consistent and always dedicated to showing his very best.

Branch Warren
Competition History
Year Event Placing
1992 AAU Teenage Mr. America, Short and Overall 1st
1993 NPC Teenage Nationals, Lightheavyweight and Overall 1st
2001 NPC Nationals, Heavyweight 1st
2005 Charlotte Pro 1st
2005 Europa Supershow 1st
2005 Mr. Olympia 8th
2006 Mr. Olympia 12th
2007 New York Pro 1st
2009 Mr. Olympia 2nd
2010 Mr. Olympia 3rd
2011 Arnold Classic 1st
2011 British Grand Prix 1st
2012 Arnold Classic 1st
2012 Australian Grand Prix 1st
2012 Mr. Olympia 5th
2013 Mr. Olympia 9th
2014 Australian Pro 4th
2014 Mr. Olympia 6th
2015 Arnold Classic 2nd
2015 Arnold Classic Australia 2nd
2015 Europa Atlantic City Pro 1st
2015 Mr. Olympia 6th
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