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Talking Muscle & Strength With Nick Wright

Talking Muscle & Strength With Nick Wright

Drug free bodybuilder (and now powerlifter) Nick Wright began his journey as a 110 pound teen with 11 inch arms. Now, 7 years later, he runs one of the most popular lifting channels on Youtube. With over 155,000 subscribers, Nick Wright's videos have nearly reached 30,000,000 total views.

Nick Wright recently completed his first powerlifting meet, nailing the following lifts:
  • Squat - 463 pounds
  • Bench Press - 330 pounds
  • Deadlift - 524 pounds

Nick Wright Interview

When did you decide to get involved with Youtube and did you expect your channel to take off like it has?

I decided to get involved with YouTube back near the end of 2009, after graduating high school. I had been obsessed with custom car audio and thought that was what I was going to do for a career. I constantly watched a YouTuber named Steve Meade who has one of the most successful car audio channels. I loved the way he put his channel together.

I still have a Bodyspace profile that I almost never log onto anymore, but at the time I used it heavily to update everyone on that site about my competitions via photos, videos and vlogs. To upload a video to Bodyspace, it had to be on YouTube first, so I would upload my competition footage just for that sake.

Some months later I decided to actually check on my YouTube account and noticed that it had 400 or 500 subscribers and over 100,000 total views. I realized that there was no mainstream video platform for natural bodybuilding let alone teen bodybuilding, so I decided to build on it.

I soon learned that Steve Meade made part of his living off of YouTube, and this became the set goal I had in mind. The rest was history.

what's the best and worst part of running a popular Youtube channel?

Superman Nick WrightOh man! There are so many positives! The amount of amazing supporters and fans I get to meet at expos. All of the opportunities I have received from both sponsors and companies either flying me out to places, or sending me top of the line gear to use and review.

The fact that I really haven't had to pay for a supplement since 2010 is something I'm grateful for. Even little perks like being able to approach some TOP athletes in my sport for training advice, or even programs, and having them actually respond back to you or help you out for free. Just to be treated as if you're their equal, simply because of who you are, is an amazing feeling.

I don't mean to say any of this with an ego, as I never for a second feel entitled to any of this or take it for granted. I'm grateful to be living my dream for as long as this universe allows me to. The list of positives is immense!

The only negative I would say is dealing with the constant negativity you receive. People tend to forget you're a human being and feel it's okay to say some nasty things to you that they probably would never say to just some random individual on their personal Facebook page or something.

Such is the nature of the beast. We learn to take the good WITH the bad, but the good way outweighs the bad.

What draws you to strength training?

I have ALWAYS been obsessed with strength training! Even back at 14 years old, Ronnie Coleman became my idol because he was not only amazingly jacked, but also had some incredible strength and that was always the most entertaining part for me!

I can't quite explain it. I guess you could say it's a very similar feeling to that "draw" we as bodybuilders get to emulate our favorite superhero's physique. Just wanting to be larger than life, etc.

There is something about committing a feat of physical strength that just feels super-human! It is literally a high for me.
Nick Wright
There is something about committing a feat of physical strength that just feels super-human! It is literally a high for me.

what's in your gym bag?

A house! Lol, seriously... way too much crap! Let's see, I have a:
  • Inzer lever belt
  • SBD knee sleeves
  • Rehband knee sleeves (for back up?)
  • Inzer wrist wraps
  • Gangsta wrist wraps
  • Nike Romaleos 2 Olympic weightlifting shoes
  • Wrist wraps
  • Blue Tooth headphones
  • Chalk in a Tupperware container
  • A camera in a camera case (YouTubing Probz)
  • A mini flat-head screwdriver for my belt adjustments
  • Smelling salts (Ammonia tablets)
Off the top of my head, I THINK that's everything!

How many meals per day do you eat, and how long have you been eating this way?

I typically eat 4 meals a day with a snack-sized meal thrown in there somewhere. Sometimes 5. I've been eating like this for a few years now, since Kyle Hunt started helping me with my diet back in the day.
Nick Wright
My greatest accomplishment is finally living the lifestyle I have DREAMED about for as long as I can remember.

what's the biggest bulking mistake a lifter can make?

Overeating or undereating. Or neglecting protein in pursuit of high carbs and fats.

I've seen people try to go for gaining size and end up just getting really fat. I've done this to an extent, but with my skinny boy genetics I can drop the weight with 2 quick weeks of carb cycling no problem.

The other issue would be undereating. It can definitely be easy to overeat and go over your macros, but it's also very easy to undereat and THINK you are getting enough in when you really aren't

what's your greatest accomplishment in life?

My greatest accomplishment is finally living the lifestyle I have DREAMED about for as long as I can remember. Officially, by the age of 23 years old!

Three favorite exercises and why?

Well, now that I am powerlifting, I would have to say the big 3! The squat, bench press and deadlift, not in any order, take the cake. They are the kings of their category.

I DO love the barbell shoulder press though. This has always been my favorite, and probably because of the sheer feeling of power one has by pushing big numbers OVER their head.

it's basically like the bench press, which is of course most people's favorite movement, but with even more of an extreme challenge; locking it out ABOVE your head.

What training split are you using now?

I just began a new conjugate training program. It was developed for me by my new coach Simon from the YouTube channel "Massthetics." I've broken it down on my YouTube channel, of course.

What is your go to cheat meal?

Dude? WENDY'S CLASSIC TRIPLE! I have been in LOVE with this thing since the dawn of time! It will always be my one true love in life.

what's in your supplement cupboard right now?

And then some fish oil and glucosamine for joints.

Tell us 5 songs on your gym playlist...

can't say I have a gym playlist. I just throw on whatever songs I'm in the mood for that day. But I can say the most commonly listened to songs for me while lifting are (not in this order):
  • Renegade - Hed PE
  • ONE - Metalica (Skip to the fast half of the song)
  • Bon Fire - Childish Gambino
  • Choppers - Gucci Mane & Waka Flocka Flame
  • 4 What - Young Jeezy
  • Oh Yeah - Lil Scrappy
Nick Wright
Drug free bodybuilder (and now powerlifter) Nick Wright began his journey as a 110 pound teen with 11 inch arms.

What exercise do you feel is the most productive use of time spent in the gym?

Probably the deadlift or squat, or any variation of them. But all exercises are, really.

Favorite 3 dumbbell exercises and why?

  • ALL dumbbell presses
  • Dumbbell rows
  • Side and rear lateral raises

Best way to spend a Sunday?

Being extremely lazy.

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