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Transformation: "Weak" AJ Gonzalez Loses 47 Pounds!

Transformation: "Weak" AJ Gonzalez Loses 47 Pounds!

Transformation Stats

Before, I struggled lifting anything over 30 pounds, couldn't do a pull up, couldn't run half a mile, bigger tits than my girlfriend, size 38 waist in men's pants. Now I can bench 175, can run a 5 minute mile, size 28 waist in men's pants, and have pecs.

What Was Your Life Like Before Your Transformation?

Life was bad honestly. Always walking around feeling uncomfortable, running into old friends and seeing how wide-eyed they got when they saw my weight. Some would even say, "AJ you got fat as hell," and it just made me feel like crap.

No fitness, no cardio, no strength. I was weak both physically and emotionally.

I've played soccer my whole life. But after graduating high school, not so much. I was invited to play on a team with some guys at work. My first game back from a month off and a month of more weight gain, I lasted 5 minutes before subbing myself off due to exhaustion.

I wanted to cry. I felt ashamed. I let my family down, my team, and most importantly myself. At that moment, I knew I needed to make a change.
AJ Transformation

What Were Your Major Struggles or Challenges?

The biggest struggle was balancing school, work and a workout and diet schedule. I'd usually be up til 1am, getting off work at 10pm, just preparing all my food for the next day and then being up at 5am to start my day. It was hell.

Detail Your Workout and Cardio Plan During Your Transformation

My transformation was in 2 parts, first came weight loss, now it's all about gains. Weight loss was 6 months of just constant cardio. Minimal weight lifting, just to keep from losing what little muscle I had and not gain any.

Cardio I would just run outside and twice a week on the treadmill at school. Outside running is way more enjoyable and it wasn't odd for me to run 15 miles by the time late October hit.

Detail Your Diet/Eating Plan During Your Transformation
AJ Soccer

Diet was the biggest thing for me, I slowly became vegan and am still vegan to this day hahaha. The first day I cut out soda, candy and any and all junk food, replaced everything I drank with water, no cheat days.

My goal was to lose weight so then I cut out things like bread and cheese and milk. Then by the time late July came I was a pescatarian. Then eggs got cut, and then from there a very good friend of mine convinced me to just go full vegan, been vegan ever since.

Then once I hit 138 pounds I packed on the vegan gains with soy meat, flax milk, beans, nuts and thing of that sort.

Detail Your Supplement Plan During Your Transformation

At first, I was just using a multivitamin. Then those went, and I used CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), that I still take now just to help metabolism. Other than that no "fat burners" or Hydroxycut or Slimfast or anything like that. Now I just use a vegan protein powder sometimes on big lifting days. I try to keep things simple.

What Was Your Major Accomplishment, or Major Milestones?

My biggest accomplishment was buying new clothes and seeing me go down from a large in shirts to a small and x-small, and from a 38" to 28" waist in pants. Being able to smash my goal of 165 pounds by 27 pounds and now actually being able to work on gaining weight for the first time in my life is just an amazing feeling.

Detail Your 3 Biggest Mistakes

  1. Not doing this sooner. I let myself get too fat. I don't have much loose skin but damn I cut it close.
  2. When I first started trying to make gains, my food tasted like crap and I was eating like 3,500 calories a day, pounds of beans, as a result it made me more irritable. I regret that, now I'm making gains and enjoying my food.
  3. Not getting a gym membership way sooner. I waited until December when I started lifting. Which is fine, but maybe I'd be a little further if I got it sooner. Not a regret, just a what if.
3 Biggest Things You Learned During Your Transformation?
  1. Enjoy your food, really I cannot stress that enough.
  2. Patience, results aren't immediate. I gained weight my first 2 weeks of weight loss dieting, don't get discouraged.
  3. Don't let others bring you down, I had so many people tell me I couldn't do it, screw them.
Final Words of Advice for Others Looking to Make a Change?

Don't give up and diet is really about 75 percent of it, soda and sweets being a big culprit. Don't complain about your weight and then go buy a Snickers. Do something about it.
Previous article Transformation: Zach Dobson Slashes 207 Pounds!