Transformation Stats
33% body fat
16% body fat
What Was Your Life Like Before Your Transformation?I spent my days playing football and video games not exercising more than I had to.
I blew out my knee senior year of high school and that's when I had plenty of reflection time and realized I no longer wanted to be this heavy.
What Were Your Major Struggles or Challenges?Mainly it was eating healthy and smaller meals and cutting out drinking soda.
Detail Your Workout and Cardio Plan During Your Transformation
- Monday - Back, biceps and 20 minutes cardio
- Tuesday - Chest and triceps
- Wednesday - Legs and 20 minutes bicycle
- Thursday - Shoulders
- Friday - Cardio and abs
- Saturday - Arms
Detail Your Diet/Eating Plan During Your Transformation
- Protein: 270
- Carbs: 305
- Fat: 74
Off day macros:
- Protein: 270
- Carbs: 150
- Fat: 74
Training day meals:
- Meal 1: 40/60/20 - 1 cup egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 2.5 oz avocado, 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup blueberries
- Meal 2: 50/50/16 - 50g whey isolate shake, 3 slices of 7 sprouted grain Ezekiel bread, 2 tbs of nut butter
- Meal 3: Pre-workout 45/50/10 - 5.5 oz chicken/turkey breast cooked, 8 oz sweet potato, 1/2 cup pineapple, 2 tsp of coconut oil
- M4: Post-workout 45/85/6 - 5 oz lean ground beef 96/4 cooked, 1.5 cups jasmine rice cooked, 2 tsp of honey
- Meal 5: 45/60/14 - 5.5 oz chicken/turkey cooked, 10 oz red/sweet potato, 1/2 cup berries, 1 cup green veggie your choice, 1 tbs extra virgin olive oil
- Meal 6: 45/0/8 - 45g whey isolate shake, 1 tbs nut butter
Detail Your Supplement Plan During Your TransformationOnly used men's One-a-Day multivitamin, whey protein, and fish oil.
What Was Your Major Accomplishment, or Major Milestones?Major accomplishment would be getting under 230.
Detail Your 3 Biggest Mistakes
- Slacking on diet.
- Not working hard each day.
- Feeling as if I wasn't getting anywhere.
3 Biggest Things You Learned During Your Transformation?
- Hard work pays off.
- Your mind will quit before your body.
- You can really do anything you put your mind to
Final Words of Advice for Others Looking to Make a Change?No matter how hard it is or you think your not seeing results fast enough just remember your better than you were yesterday and it will keep getting better just never quit!
All drug free!