Transformation Stats
What Was Your Life Like Before Your Transformation?I was very skinny and I looked up to
bodybuilders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger. I wanted to look like them and be able to lift like them.
My turning point was when I decided to really push and put on some mass over the winter.
What Were Your Major Struggles or Challenges?Mostly eating enough food. Also discouragement from family.
Detail Your Workout and Cardio Plan During Your TransformationVery little cardio.
Day 1: Chest, shoulders, triceps
Day 2: Back, biceps, forearms
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Legs
Day 5: Rest
Day 6: Repeat
Detail Your Diet/Eating Plan During Your TransformationAround 5000 calories per day with a breakdown of 65% carbohydrates, 15% fat, and 20% protein. Also only a
clean diet including no refined sugars, good protein sources as well as healthy fats.
Detail Your Supplement Plan During Your Transformation
What Was Your Major Accomplishment, or Major Milestones?Gaining weight. Building better back and biceps.
Detail Your 3 Biggest Mistakes
- Poor form on deadlifts
- Going too heavy with bad form
- Not enough rest
Biggest Thing You Learned During Your Transformation?How to use proper form.
Final Words of Advice for Others Looking to Make a Change?Hard work pays off nothing else.