How Many Ounces in A... Cup, Gallon, Pint, Liter
Fluid ounces are a measurement of volume. The abbreviations for fluid ounces are fl oz, fl. oz., and oz. fl. A fluid ounce equals approximately 30 milliliters. (More specifically, 28.6 ml.)
Related: Calculate Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure
There are 2 variations of the fluid ounce in use: The United States customary, and the Imperial fluid ounce. Here, we will be referencing the US fluid ounce.
A fluid ounce is not related to an ounce as a unit of weight.

How Many Ounces Are in A...
Imperial Fluid Ounce
One Imperial fluid ounce equals:1 =160 imperial gallon
1 = 40 imperial quart
1 = 20 imperial pint
1 = 5 imperial gill
8 imperial fluid drams
28.4130625 millilitres
1.733871455 cubic inches
0.960759940 US fluid ounces
the volume of 1 avoirdupois ounce of water
US Fluid Ounce
One US fluid ounce equals:1 = 128 US gallon
1 = 32 US quart
1 = 16 US pint
1 = 8 US cup
1 = 4 US gill
2 US tablespoons
6 US teaspoons
8 US fluid drams
1.8046875 cubic inches
29.5735295625 milliliters
1.040842731 imperial fluid ounces
How Many Ounces In a Cup
2 cups = 16 fluid ounces
1 cup = 8 fluid ounces
7/8 cup = 7 fluid ounces
3/4 cup = 6 fluid ounces
5/8 cup = 5 fluid ounces
1/2 cup = 4 fluid ounces
3/8 cup = 3 fluid ounces
1/4 cup = 2 fluid ounces
1/8 cup = 1 fluid ounces
How Many Ounces In a Pint
1 pint = 16 fluid ounces
7/8 pint = 14 fluid ounces
3/4 pint = 12 fluid ounces
5/8 pint = 10 fluid ounces
1/2 pint = 8 fluid ounces
3/8 pint = 6 fluid ounces
1/4 pint = 4 fluid ounces
1/8 pint = 2 fluid ounces
How Many Ounces In a Gallon
1 gallon = 128 fluid ounces
15/16 gallon = 120 fluid ounces
7/8 gallon = 112 fluid ounces
13/16 gallon = 104 fluid ounces
3/4 gallon = 96 fluid ounces
11/16 gallon = 88 fluid ounces
5/8 gallon = 80 fluid ounces
9/16 gallon = 72 fluid ounces
1/2 gallon = 64 fluid ounces
7/16 gallon = 56 fluid ounces
3/8 gallon = 48 fluid ounces
5/16 gallon = 40 fluid ounces
1/4 gallon = 32 fluid ounces
3/16 gallon = 24 fluid ounces
1/8 gallon = 16 fluid ounces
1/16 gallon = 8 fluid ounces
How Many Ounces In a Liter
1 liter = 33.814 ounces
7/8 liter = 29.587 ounces
3/4 liter = 25.367 ounces
5/8 liter = 21.134 ounces
1/2 liter = 16.907 ounces
3/8 liter = 12.680 ounces
1/4 liter = 8.454 ounces
1/8 liter = 4.227 ounces