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The 12 Week Booty Workout Program for Women

The 12 Week Booty Workout Program for Women

Modern society and gym culture has turned its focus over to the booty. A high percentage of female workouts floating around the Internet are all about building a better back end.

Some women are born with better assets than others. Others have to put in extra work and dedication to develop strong glutes.

12 Weeks to a Better Booty

Now this program is based upon the main compound movements and accessory work to target those glutes and hamstrings.

Follow this 4x/week split and you will get the results you have always desired. 

Each day of the split begins with a compound strength building exercise that focus on progressive overload, or getting stronger. This movement is followed by accessory work that targets either the quads or hamstrings. Next, we add in pull or push hypertrophy exercises targeting all muscles of the body twice per week.

Follow this program and you will be sure to see solid results!

Here is the schedule:

  • Day 1 - Quad Concentration
  • Day 2 - Hamstring Concentration
  • Day 3 - Off
  • Day 4 - Quad Concentration
  • Day 5 - Hamstring Concentration
  • Day 6 - Rest
  • Day 7 - Option Ab Work
Day 1
Quad Concentration
Exercise Sets Reps
Front Squats  5  5
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges  3  10
Ham Glute Bridges  3  15-20
Lat Pulldowns  3  10
Bicep Hammer Curls  4  10
Cable Crunches  3  15

Day 2
Hamstring Concentration
Exercise Sets Reps
Stiff Leg Deadlifts  5  5
Single Leg Ham Glute Raise  3  10
Lying Hamstring Curls  3  12-15
Overhead Dumbbell Press  3  8
Triceps Kickbacks  3  10
Seated Calf Raises  4  20

Day 4
Quad Concentration
Exercise Sets Reps
DB Goblet Squats  5  5
Leg Extensions  4  10
Bulgarian Split Squat  3  10
Seated Cable Rows  3  10
Upright Rows  3  8
Preacher Curl  4  10

Day 5
Hamstring Concentration
Exercise Sets Reps
Sumo Deadlifts  5  5
Goblet Squats  4  10
Single Leg RDL w/ KB *   3  10
Dumbbell Bench Press  3  10
Cable Flyes  3  12-15
Triceps Cable Pushdowns  3  10
Standing Calf Raises  3  12-15

* Single Leg RDL w/ Kettlebell
  1. Hold a kettlebell by the handle in one hand while standing on one leg. Be sure to hold the kettleball in the arm on the same side.
  2. Slightly bend your knees and perform a stiff legged deadlift on one leg while flexing at the hip (hinging). Keepthe other leg flexed/bent that is not performing the deadlift.
  3. Slowly lower the kettleball towards the ground until you reach parallel to the ground. Slowly raise the kettleball back to the upright position being sure to practice proper muscle contraction.
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