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Brutal Basics 5 Day Workout Routine For Mass & Strength

Brutal Basics 5 Day Workout Routine For Mass & Strength

Sometimes simple is better and complicated is... Well... Complicated.

We are fascinated with the complex. The intricate. The deeply detailed. This is true for many things, but especially true for workout routines.

Give a PowerBuilder a workout routine filled with complex set and rep schemes, eight exercises per body part, and all other kinds of fancy shenanigans, and they drool. Let the gains begin! The complex must be better.

Related: The Ultimate Muscle and Strength Workout

Not true.

This brutal basic 5-day workout routine is the perfect example. Yes, we'll be training five days per week. This is challenging in and of itself. But each day's training is straightforward. There is no BS to baffle you.

Just hard work on the basics, and progressive overload.

Here is a sample schedule:

Week 1 - Heavy Squats and Bench
  • Monday - Squat Triples and Quads
  • Tuesday - Bench Triples and Triceps
  • Wednesday - Off
  • Thursday - Deadlifts Eights and Hamstrings
  • Friday - Shoulder Eights, Abs, and Calves
  • Saturday - Back and Biceps
  • Sunday - Off
Week 2 - Heavy Deadlifts and Shoulders
  • Monday - Squat Eights and Quads
  • Tuesday - Bench Eights and Triceps
  • Wednesday - Off
  • Thursday - Deadlifts Triples and Hamstrings
  • Friday - Shoulder Triples, Abs, and Calves
  • Saturday - Back and Biceps
  • Sunday - Off
On the heavy lifts, you will use a form of nonlinear periodization, alternating between heavy triples and eight rep sets week in and week out.

Heavy Triples - Start with 75% of your one rep max. Perform eight sets of three reps. If the last set feels manageable, meaning you are certain you were not close to failure, add five pounds to the bar the next time you perform this exercise.

Heavy Eights - Start with 60% of your one rep max. Perform five sets of eight reps. If the last set feels manageable, add five pounds to the bar the next time you perform this exercise.

For all other assistance exercises, add five pounds when it makes sense. Be hungry about progressive overload. You want to get strong(er). Failure to push yourself will only slow your gains.

Remember to keep good form for all reps. Don't crank out that last rep if your form is slipping.

Overhead Press - You can use any variation. Seated. Standing. Military press. Behind the neck press. Dumbbells. Barbell.

5 Day Workout Routine

Week One Workouts

Squat Triples and Quads
Week One Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Squats  8  3
 Leg Extensions  5  15
 Leg Press  5  15

Bench Triples and Triceps
Week One Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Bench Press  8  3
 Dumbbell Bench Press  5  15
 Close Grip Bench Press  5  15

Deadlift Eights and Hamstrings
Week One Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Deadlifts  5  8
 Leg Curls  5  15
 Glute Ham Raise  5  10

Shoulder Eights, Abs and Calves
Week One Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Overhead Press  5  8
 Side Lateral Raise  3  15
 Ab Wheel Roll Outs  3  10 to 15
 Standing Calf Raise  3  15

Back and Biceps
Week One Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Barbell Rows  5  10
 Lat Pull Downs  5  15
 Seated Dumbbell Curl  5  15

Week Two Workouts

Squat Rights and Quads
Week Two Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Squats  5  8
 Leg Extensions  5  15
 Hack Squats  5  15

Bench Eights and Triceps
Week Two Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Bench Press  5  8
 Dumbbell Bench Press  5  15
 JM Press  5  15

Week Two Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Deadlifts  8  3
 Leg Curls  5  15
 Reverse Hack Squats  5  10

Week Two Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Overhead Press  8  3
 Machine Press  3  15
 Planks  6  60 sec
 Seated Calf Raise  3  15

Back and Biceps
Week Two Workout
Exercise Sets Reps
 Dumbbell Rows  5  10
 Seated Cable Rows  5  15
 Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down  5  15
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