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Big 5 Training

Big 5 Training - 5 Day Workout Split by Marc Lobliner

Utilizing the latest scientific research, I have put together the most complete hypertrophy, lifestyle, and anti-aging workout ever created.

In my opinion, of course.

What science am I referring to? The science that says we are overthinking things and doing completely unnecessary movements. The science that indicates we are wasting time in the gym.

Related - Find the Best Workout Split For You

So, what should we do?

Lifts that hit more muscle groups can provide the most load. These are called the  "big five." What are the big five?

  • Squat
  • Standing Overhead Press (OHP)
  • Deadlift
  • Chest Press
  • Pendlay Row
These lifts, when combined into a program, ensure that you hit your entire body with the load that is required to make progress in both strength and lean mass. [1]

While lift selection is important, the most important variable for progress in both lean mass and strength is progressive overload. Progressive overload is the gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during exercise training.

This concept was developed by Thomas Delorme, M.D. while he rehabilitated soldiers after World War II, so it has been in practice for quite a while.

To ensure we progress on the big five lifts, we will set the rep range at 6-8 reps. This is, in my opinion, a great range for a combination of both strength and hypertrophy.

We will get the higher reps with the accessory movements. We do not go beyond failure, as the data has shown (for the most part), that this offers little benefit and, in my opinion, will impair recovery beyond its benefits.

If you can get 8 reps, raise the weight by 10 total pounds. Raise the weight when you can get 8 reps with a little bit left in the tank and can get at least 6 reps with the new weight.

Enjoy the program! I truly feel this can be the LAST program you'll ever need.

Feel free to change up the accessory exercises based on equipment availability as well as if you get bored. If you hate the program, you won’t stick to it. Adherence is the KEY!

Give this program at least 12 weeks and I assure you, you will look better and feel better because your whole entire body will be worked!

What About Abs?

We work them during each of these movements. If you do standing overhead presses, squats, and deadlifts with a heavy load, bodyweight crunches feel more like a silly waste of time. But if you insist on extra abs, here is an unorthodox program I recommend: 


Cardio should be performed based upon your goals and needs. However, this program is very demanding. HIIT cardio could impair your weight training, and weight training is your priority for body composition changes.

Therefore, I recommend doing low-intensity cardio as needed. If you want an extra boost, add in a Tabata session post workout two to three times each a week on non-leg training days.

What is Tabata? See this

Dieting While on The Big 5

Nutrition and training are mutually exclusive, and training should not change with diet – you should ALWAYS stimulate and overload. With that said, I have two recommendations to help you reach whatever your goals may be:

Big 5 Workout Split

  • Day 1: Squat
  • Day 2: Standing Overhead Shoulder Press
  • Day 3: Off
  • Day 4: Deadlift
  • Day 5: Bench Press
  • Day 6: Pendlay Row
  • Day 7: Off
  • Day 8: Repeat Day 1
Day 1
Exercise Sets Reps
Back Squat  4  6-8
Leg Press  3  8-12
Bulgarian Split Squat  3  8-12 (Each leg)
Bodyweight Lunges  3  8 (Each leg)
Standing Calf Raise  4  12-15

Back Squat. Warm up: 40% of 6rm for 4, 60% of 6rm for 2, 80% of 6rm for 2
4 sets of 6-8 Reps just below failure. If you can get 8 reps, raise the weight by 10 total pounds. Raise the weight when you can get 8 reps with a little bit left in the tank and can get at least 6 reps with the new weight.

Standing Overhead Press
Day 2
Exercise Sets Reps
Standing OHP  4  6-8
Lateral Raises  3  8-12
Triceps Pressdowns  3  8-12
Skullcrushers  3  8-12

Standing OHP. Warm up: 40% of 6rm for 4, 60% of 6rm for 2, 80% of 6rm for 2
4 sets of 6-8 Reps just below failure. If you can get 8 reps, raise the weight by 10 total pounds. Raise the weight when you can get 8 reps with a little bit left in the tank and can get at least 6 reps with the new weight.

Day 4
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Deadlift   4  6-8
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift  3  8-12
Leg Curl of Choice  3  8-12
Seated Calf Raise  3  12-15

Barbell Deadlift (any variety either sumo, conventional or hex bar). Warm-up: 40% of 6rm for 4, 60% of 6rm for 2, 80% of 6rm for 2 4 sets of 6-8 Reps just below failure. If you can get 8 reps, raise the weight by 10 total pounds. Raise the weight when you can get 8 reps with a little bit left in the tank and can get at least 6 reps with the new weight.

Bench Press
Day 5
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press  4  6-8
Dumbbell Flys  3  8-12
Machine Bench Press  3  8-12
Planks  2  30 seconds
Side Planks  1  30 seconds (each side)

Bench Press (Barbell or Dumbbell). Warm up: 40% of 6rm for 4, 60% of 6rm for 2, 80% of 6rm for 2 4 sets of 6-8 Reps just below failure. If you can get 8 reps, raise the weight by 10 total pounds. Raise the weight when you can get 8 reps with a little bit left in the tank and can get at least 6 reps with the new weight.

Pendlay Row
Day 6
Exercise Sets Reps
Pendlay Rows  4  6-8
Lat Pull Down  3  8-12
Hammer Strength Row  3  8-12
Seated Low Row  3  8-12
Incline Dumbbell Curl  3  8-12
Preacher Curl  3  8-12

Pendlay Row. Warm up: 40% of 6rm for 4, 60% of 6rm for 2, 80% of 6rm for 2
4 sets of 6-8 Reps just below failure. If you can get 8 reps, raise the weight by 10 total pounds. Raise the weight when you can get 8 reps with a little bit left in the tank and can get at least 6 reps with the new weight.


Supplements don’t substitute, they supplement your training and diet. When your diet and training are on point, supplements can help tremendously.

With a strength and hypertrophy-based program like this, we can amplify the results with the proper supplements. While not limited to these supplements, you can always add to it, this is the base of what I feel will benefit you most.

Basic Gains

The base for gains focusing on the time around training.

  • 5lb MTS Whey - Protein for use post workout and all day long!
  • CLASH - Contains creatine and beta alanine and is fully-loaded for strength and lean mass gains.
  • Machine Fuel - Help you train longer and harder and aid recovery

Fat Loss

Focusing on maintaining and even gaining lean mass and strength while losing fat.

  • 5lb MTS Whey - Protein for use post workout and all day long!
  • CLASH - Contains Creatine and Beta Alanine and is fully-loaded for strength and lean mass gains.
  • Machine Fuel - Help you train longer and harder and aid recovery.
  • Peak Physicor - Scientifically proven to increase strength and lean mass.
  • Drop Factor - Aid fat loss and metabolism.
  • Insurgent - Maximize testosterone production.
  • Sleep Aid - DEEP Sleep to recover and when dieting, sleep can be negatively affected .

Mass Gain

Focus on gaining as much lean mass and strength with very little fat gain.

  • 5lb MTS Whey - Protein for use post workout and all day long!
  • CLASH - Contains creatine and beta-alanine and is fully-loaded for strength and lean mass gains.
  • Machine Fuel - Help you train longer and harder and aid recovery.
  • Peak Physicor - Scientifically proven to increase strength and lean mass.
  • SWOLLY - Amplifies post-workout protein and amino acid uptake.
  • Insurgent - Maximize Testosterone Production.
  • Sleep Aid - DEEP Sleep to recover.

1) Paoli et al. (2017). Resistance Training with Single vs. Multi-joint Exercises at Equal Total Load Volume: Effects on Body Composition, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Muscle Strength. Front. Physiol., 22 December 2017 |

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