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Double Down Workout - Two Sets, Maximum Results

Double Down Workout - Two Sets, Maximum Results

When it comes to muscle building workouts, more is seen as better. More sets. More volume. More training days.

More of everything.

Related - How to Build Your Own Muscle Building Workout

But what about those of us with limited attention spans? What about those of us who find three, four, and five sets of an exercise to be tedious? This is me, sometimes.

I'm not always up for pounding out more than a few sets per exercise. Variation is good, and it can be enjoyable to keep moving.

So, two sets per exercise it is.

I know there is hypertrophy research revealing that three sets per exercise might be the best choice, but it's certainly not the only way. This type of training is not easy, and it will yield rock solid results.

Hard work always pays off, and the Double Down muscle building program involves hard work. You will push for progression, make every set count, and do so without having to camp out at every station crushing set after set.

Building Muscle with the 22 Workout

Most exercises will be performed using only two sets. You will use the same weight for both sets of a given exercise.

For the first set, you will perform 10 reps. For the second set, you will perform AMRAP - as many reps as possible. When you are able to hit 15 or more reps for the second set, add weight.

Progression is king and your second set is your money set. Make it count, but not at the expense of poor form. We want safe, quality progression here.

Here are my "safe sets" guidelines for set two. Push this set for as many reps as possible, stopping it when either:

  1. Your exercise form starts to break down.
  2. You feel like you might fail on the next rep.

The last exercise for each body part involves a single finisher set. You will burn out with a given amount of resistance until you reach 50 total reps, resting as needed. Add weight to this movement when it makes sense.

I'm going to provide two split options, including a three and four-day body part split.

3 Day Body Part Split

  • Day 1 - Chest, Triceps and Biceps
  • Day 2 - Off
  • Day 3 - Quads and Hamstrings
  • Day 4 - Off
  • Day 5 - Back and Shoulders
  • Day 6 - Off
  • Day 7 - Off
Chest, Triceps and Biceps
3 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 2 10, 10+
Push Ups 2 25+, 25+
Machine Chest Press 2 10, 10+
Pec Dec or Dumbbell Flyes 2 10, 10+
Dumbbell Bench Press - Finisher 1 50
Cable Triceps Extensions 2 10, 10+
Lying Triceps Extensions 2 10, 10+
Close Grip Bench Press 1 50
Dumbbell Curls 2 10, 10+
Reverse Grip Lat Pull Downs 2 10, 10+
EZ Bar Cable Curls 1 50

Quads and Hamstrings
3 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 2 10, 10+
Leg Press 2 10, 10+
Leg Extensions 2 10, 10+
Hack Squats 2 10, 10+
Bodyweight Lunges - Finisher 1 50
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 2 10, 10+
Leg Curls 2 10, 10+
Reverse Lunges 1 50

Back and Shoulders
3 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Rows 2 10, 10+
Lat Pull Downs 2 10, 10+
Seated Cable Rows 2 10, 10+
Machine Rows 2 10, 10+
Two Arm Dumbbell Rows - Finisher 1 50
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 2 10, 10+
Side Lateral Raise 2 10, 10+
Machine Shoulder Press 2 10, 10+
Face Pulls 2 10, 10+
Military Press 1 50

4 Day Body Part Split

  • Day 1 - Chest and Triceps
  • Day 2 - Back and Biceps
  • Day 3 - Off
  • Day 4 - Shoulders and Traps
  • Day 5 - Off
  • Day 6 - Quads and Hamstrings
  • Day 7 - Off
Chest and Triceps
4 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Bench Press 2 10, 10+
Push Ups 2 25+, 25+
Machine Chest Press 2 10, 10+
Pec Dec or Dumbbell Flyes 2 10, 10+
Dumbbell Bench Press - Finisher 1 50
Cable Triceps Extensions 2 10, 10+
Lying Triceps Extensions 2 10, 10+
Close Grip Bench Press 1 50

Back and Biceps
4 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Barbell Rows 2 10, 10+
Lat Pull Downs 2 10, 10+
Seated Cable Rows 2 10, 10+
Machine Rows 2 10, 10+
Two Arm Dumbbell Rows - Finisher 1 50
Dumbbell Curls 2 10, 10+
Reverse Grip Lat Pull Downs 2 10, 10+
EZ Bar Cable Curls 1 50

Shoulders and Traps
4 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Seated Dumbbell Overhead Press 2 10, 10+
Side Lateral Raise 2 10, 10+
Machine Shoulder Press 2 10, 10+
Face Pulls 2 10, 10+
Military Press 1 50
Power Shrugs 2 10, 10+
Static Holds 2 60 seconds, 60+
Dumbbell Shrugs - Finisher 1 50

Quads and Hamstrings
4 Day Split
Exercise Sets Reps
Squats 2 10, 10+
Leg Press 2 10, 10+
Leg Extensions 2 10, 10+
Hack Squats 2 10, 10+
Bodyweight Lunges - Finisher 1 50
Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 2 10, 10+
Leg Curls 2 10, 10+
Reverse Lunges 1 50
Previous article Build Strength With This 3 Day Powerbuilding Program