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Freshman 15 - Build Muscle in College: Complete Diet and Training Guide

Freshman 15 - Build Muscle in College: Complete Diet and Training Guide

I remember when I was in college. The Freshman 15 was the norm.

What is the Freshman 15? From my understanding, as a dude who went to a Lutheran college, it was when girls who lived under their parent?s roof were finally free from Daddy?s rules. They drank themselves into a stupor every night doing things daddy would not be happy with. Consequently, from the thousands of calories from vodka and other alcoholic beverages and mixers, would gain 15lbs of pure fat and an STD or three.

Related: Cheap Bodybuilding Meals - $7 a Day Budget

But this article isn't about promiscuous college sex. As a father with a daughter, I refuse to even discuss this topic.

This article is about the obstacles involved in making gains in college. That's right, ripped, shredded muscle in spite of the obstacles in front of you. So even when those girls are sober, they will still drool over and yearn for your muscular, lean body.

But does this mean we have to sacrifice living the college life? To some extent, yes. But for the most part, this is a pain-free guide to making gains in college, becoming more healthy and functional, and ENJOYING the process!

Instead of adding 15 pounds of fat in college, let's add 15 pounds of muscle. We'll call this the NEW Freshman 15.

Dieting in College

We all have that option for lunch-lady served meals. I did it for a bit, and we made it sound much cooler than it is. Instead of calling it a ?cafeteria,? we were so hip and cool that we dubbed it The Caf.

The Caf had some weird food, some inedible food, but despite being a small Lutheran College in California, always had healthy food options. Rice, chicken, eggs... Something even the most hardcore gym-bro would appreciate.

You might be thinking, ?But Marc, we are all about flexible dieting and IIFYM and other cool, hip diet trends.? Those work, oh yes they do. But as we will soon find out, there is a method to my madness.

Do not measure food.

Wait, did one of the most-strict coaches just tell me I am not supposed to measure my food? Yes, I did. College is not the time to do this, and unless you are competing, which I highly advise against at such a young age due to potentially deleterious effects to long-term hormone production and also, missing out on gains when your hormones are at their peak, you do not need to do this.


#1 - Measuring food is mentally tough

You have a lot to worry about. Grades, studying, being broke, hot drunk chicks. Measuring food and counting every gram is just another stressor, one that will take its toll by adding to your overall stress load. This is not something you need right now and could lead to burnout.

#2 - Bringing a food scale to Caf is silly

Think about it, do you want to be that guy bringing a food scale to the cafeteria to measure your chicken and rice? I know some might see this as dedication, but unless you look like Phil Heath, you will just look silly.

#3 - Going out with friends

You need to be able to enjoy this. See my video here. You will regret NOT taking full advantage of this epic time in your life!

So how do we do this?

#1 - Proper food choices

Choose natural, whole foods about 80% of the time. Limit portions and here is a rule of thumb:
  • If gaining, aim for 2lbs gain per month. Slow and LEAN is the name of the game. Adjust how much you intake based on this number.
  • If cutting, aim to lose 1-2lbs a week.
You can eyeball this as best you can. Instead of 1 scoop of rice, have ½ scoop if you?re getting fluffy. Conversely, add that rice if you want to make gains!

#2 - Alcohol

I am not going to ask you to not drink. That would be foolish. But it will affect your gains negatively, like it or not. Thus, limit drinking to a couple of drinks 1-2 times a week. don't get krunk, but just remember, MODERATION!

#3 - Cold pizza

Avoid simple, convenience things like this. Always have a great MRP like if cutting and Epic Gains if gaining. don't let the lack of food and the presence of your roommates leftover pizza ruin your abs. and besides, don't waste a good meal and extra calories on this crap!

Financial burdens and healthy eating

Healthy food can be expensive! Thus, I have some options to make it easier on the wallet.

Caf plans

These are usually affordable amounting to a couple of bucks per meal. Use this plan as much as you can, and when done, get a to-go box if buffet style to cover another meal.

Sale hunting

There are tons of apps that can help you with this. Look for coupons, sales on chicken and tuna, and lower priced items. This article already exists, see it HERE!

Storage issues - small fridge in room

[caption id="attachment_13436" align="alignright" width="280"]

Make use of things that can be kept in the corner of your dorm.
  • MTS Whey, Epic Gains
  • Berries, cereals, bananas
  • Ready-to-eat grilled chicken can fit in the smallest space
  • Machine Greens + Multi
  • Counts as multiple servings of fruits and veggies in a small tub!

Workout nutrition

While the rest of your day can be spastic, the one thing you can always have on point is nutrition around training. Here is what I recommend to my younger athletes who might not have the most consistent daily nutrition:

Pre-Workout - Depending on needs, one might need more or less carbs and protein. Since this is a broad article, we will recommend something simple:
  • Over 180lbs - 2 scoops Carb 10, 1 scoop MTS Nutrition Machine Whey
  • Under 180lbs - 1 scoop Carb 10, 1 scoop MTS Nutrition Machine Whey
Drink this about an hour before training.

30 minutes prior to training take your pre-workout:
  • 2 scoops Ruckus
  • 1 Scoop Vasky
Intraworkout - 2 scoops Machine Fuel.

Post Workout

Over 180lbs:
  • 1 scoop MTS Nutrition Machine Whey
Under 180lbs:
  • 1 scoop MTS Nutrition Machine Whey
Consume this immediately after your post workout tabata. Then eat a meal 45 minutes after the post workout shake.

Training: The Exos Style

You?re in college and I assume you MIGHT want to still be active while looking god-like, correct? Intramural sports and even a pick-up basketball game require this. I also want you to be HEALTHY and ready for a lifetime of gains and feeling great.

Low and behold my creation, EXOS-Hybrid Hypertrophy Training. This will make you more functional, feel better and also help you look amazing for all of those fine lades - or dudes!

Here we go - enjoy the gains!

Day 1: Push Lower Body

Day 1
Push Lower Body
Exercise Sets Reps
Pillar Prep - Watch Here
Movement Prep: World?s Greatest Stretch, Inch Worm/Walkouts, Mini Band Lateral and Linear
Leg Extensions - Not to failure  1  10
Leg Curl - Not to failure  1  10
Hyperextensions - Not to failure  1  10
Goblet Squats -  Not near failure and work mobility at bottom of movement  3  8
Front Squats - Work up in weight pyramid style (See below)
Side Lunges - Can be weighted or not weighted  3  6-8/side
Unilateral Leg Press - No back rounding, controlled  3  8/leg
Bilateral Leg Press - No back rounding, controlled  3  15
Hack or V-Squat  3  15
Standing Calf Raise  3  15

Front Squats - Not to failure. So if you do 135:
  • 45 x 10
  • 95 x 8
  • 115 x 8
  • 135 x 6
Finish with tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and tabata. TABATA done immediately PWO:
  • 20 seconds AS HARD AND FAST AS YOU CAN AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL YOU CAN. Try to induce vomiting from output. Go 120.
  • 10 seconds recovery
  • 20 seconds work
  • 10 seconds recovery
Do this 8 times for a total of 4 minutes post training. IMMEDIATELY after this consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
Day 2
Chest and Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Pillar Prep
Movement Prep: World?s Greatest Stretch, Inch Worm/Walkouts, Mini Band Lateral and Linear
Push Ups - Not to failure  1  10
Lateral Raise - Not to failure  1  10
Triceps Pressdowns - Not to failure  1  10
Unilateral One-Sided Chest Press - Progress in weight  3  6-10
Unilateral Dumbbell Chest Press - Progress in weight  3  6-10
Bilateral Dumbbell Chest Press - Progress in weight  3  6-10
Superset Fly Finisher with Cable Crossovers  4  8-15
Machine Chest Press - Progress in weight  4  6-10
Triceps Pressdowns  3  10-15
Cable Skullcrushers  3  10-15

Finish with Tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and tabata. TABATA done immediately PWO. IMMEDIATELY after this consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
Day 3
Exercise Sets Reps
Pillar Prep
20 minutes Low Intensity Cardio, LOW (can be a simple walk or bike ride)

Day 4
Lower Body Pull
Exercise Sets Reps
Pillar Prep
Movement Prep: World?s Greatest Stretch, Inch Worm/Walkouts, Mini band lateral and linear
Leg Extension - Not to failure  1  10
Leg Curl - Not to failure  1  10
Hyperextension - Not to failure  1  10
Lat Pull Downs - Not to failure  1  10
Goblet Squats - Not near failure and work mobility at bottom of movement  3  8
Deadlifts (See below)
Single Leg Romanian Deadlift  3  8
Leg Curls  3  10
Seated Calf Raise  4  6-15

Deadlifts - Work up in weight pyramid Style, not to failure. So if you do 135:
  • 45 x 10
  • 95 x 8
  • 115 x 8
  • 135 x 6
Finish with tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and tabata. Tabata done immediately PWO. IMMEDIATELY after this consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
Day 5
Shoulders and Triceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Pillar Prep
Movement Prep: World?s Greatest Stretch, Inch Worm/Walkouts, Mini band lateral and linear
Lateral Raise - Not to failure  1  10
Front Raise - Not to failure  1  10
Hyperextension - Not to failure  1  10
Cable Lateral Raise  4  8-15/side
Cable Rear Delt  4  8-15
Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press (See below)
Cable Shrugs  3  15
Triceps Pressdowns  3  10-15
Cable Skullcrushers  3  10-15

Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press - Work up in weight pyramid Style, not to failure.
  • 45 x 10
  • 95 x 8
  • 115 x 8
  • 135 x 6
Finish with tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and tabata. Tabata done immediately PWO. IMMEDIATELY after this consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
Day 6
Back and Biceps
Exercise Sets Reps
Pillar Prep
Movement Prep: Scapular Retraction, Hyperextension
Lat Pulls Downs WIDE GRIP  4  6-15
Lat Pulls Downs CLOSE Grip  4  6-15
Machine Row (Hammer Hi Row or Similar)  4  6-15
Unsupported One Arm Row - Pyramiding in weight like squats  4  6-12
Cable Low Rows  4  6-15
Hyperextensions  4  6-15
Machine or Free Weight Preacher Curls  4  6-15
Rope Hammer Curls  4  6-15

Finish with tabata. Always do cardio separate from weights and tabata. Tabata done immediately PWO. IMMEDIATELY after this consume carb 10/MTS Whey shake.
  • Day 7: Regen!
For abs, hit them 2-3X a week. Some options:
  1. Pump and Flush Ab Workout
  2. Exercises for Ripped 6 Pack Abs
  3. Top 3 Functional Ab Workouts

Setting Forth a Lifetime of Gains

There you have it, the surefire plan to have your dream body, live a damn fun campus life, not be the moron with the food scale, and train for function and looks. Because not sacrificing performance or your life for gains, that's not a game!
Previous article 3 Day Full Body Dumbbell Workout Plan