February 11, 2015 6 Shooter Workout - Attack Your Dumbbell, Cable & Machine Exercises Turn mindless machine, cable and dumbbell exercises into hardcore muscle building powerhouses by incorporating the "6 Shooter" rest-pause protocol. Read now
February 8, 2015 6 Week Full Body Workout Routine for Old School Gains! A 6 week full body workout routine designed for both men and women. Shock your body into new gains, old school style. Read now
February 6, 2015 4 Week Olympic Lifting & Hypertrophy Hybrid Routine This is a complete Olympic lifts workout routine program for individuals looking to maximize muscle building. Read now
January 9, 2015 Become a Trap King: The Ultimate Back and Traps Workout Make epic back and trap gains with this ultimate back day workout routine from Tiger Fitness Squad members Brently Rousset & Ryan Rodal. Read now
January 1, 2015 Get Bigger, Faster - 3 Steps to Better Shoulder Workouts Improve your shoulder training by making these three potent workout changes. Read now
January 11, 2014 MITE - Massive Intensity Training For Experienced Lifters Strength days? Hypertrophy days? Clear up the confusion and build big, beefy muscle. Read now