Random T-Shirt
Note: If you order multiple random products you may receive duplicates.
You've landed on this page and you're curious as to what you'll find. One might think, "What is this t-shirt randomness that I've found myself in the midst of?" It's really rather simple. You need a t-shirt that can get sweaty, dirty, or torn up without having to worry you'll need to wear it to a nice family dinner. So go ahead, wear it to the gym, to mow your yard, to your kid's soccer practice, to the lumber mill, to weld a skyscraper, to tame wild steeds, or to explore a newly discovered system of underwater caverns! Whatever amazing thing you do, for the love of all things good, just do it in a random t-shirt.*
Key Attributes:
- Randomness*
- The mystery of the unknown*
- Free of all knowledge of style, color, and logo*
- Fortified with the American Spirit*
- Made with 100% pure t-shirt material*
This shirt really is going to be random. No promises can be made about the color, style, or logos on the shirt. It is however a cheap workout t-shirt that you can say you bought at Tigerfitness.com. *
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, or any other public or private organization either foreign or domestic. These statements have barely even been proof-read by anyone with a solid grasp on the English language. This shirt is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any feelings of control or insecurity within your life circumstances.