Abnormal 60 Tablets

BlackStone Labs Abnormal | Abnormal By Choice
BlackStone Labs Abnormal is a high quality Liposomal product that is highly praised when it comes to building muscle. Abnormal uses a potent 6:1 androgenic ratio to help boost anabolic rates so that you are able to increase muscle growth like you've been wanting! BlackStone Labs has broken free from the manual dosing timetable and developed an ester system for Abnormal so that it will allow a sustained release of 19-NorDHEA throughout the day and cycle! Get ahead of the bodybuilding game and try out Abnormal today. Did we also mention that Abnormal, like its cousins Brutal 4ce and Chosen1, is NON-METHYLATED. This means that it is NO WAY toxic to your liver, unlike other similar products in the past and can be cycle for up to 8 weeks safely!Highlights of BlackStone Labs Abnormal:
- Pro Anabolic Precursor
- Time-Released Delivery System
- Promotes Lean Muscle Growth
- Uses Liposomal Technology