Ceragen® Cognitive Enhancing Brain Fuel
Per Vitam Ceragen - Cognitive Enhancer

Ceragen is proven to do amazing things for your body and mind!
Backed by human clinical data, Ceragen™ contains research-backed Cera-Q™ and BaCognize® alongside a healthy dose of Niacin. Ceragen™ is formulated to not only support your cognitive function, memory and brain function, mood and focus, but also to activate key anti-aging enzymes called sirtuins.
Sirtuins are involved with gene regulation. They help to down-regulate the activity of certain genes.
Taken daily, Ceragen will help you function at your peak in the present and help maintain that performance into the future!

Proprietary Bacognize® Extract is a natural standardized formula derived from Bacopa monnieri known to promote cognitive function. Backed by thousands of years of traditional use, Bacopa monnieri, has been used in Ayurveda for a multitude of purposes, such as its Nootropic effects promoting cognitive health. Clinical research indicates that Bacognize® may offer a broad array of benefits for cognitive health linked to three major neuroprotective mechanisms; including neurotransmitter receptor (serotonin) binding activity and antioxidant capacity. Bacopa is commonly used as an adaptogen supporting cognitive health, memory, focus, attention, mood, emotional health, and stress.
Cera-Q™ is new and exciting ingredient that enhances cognitive function and improves memory. A staple of traditional Korean medicine, Cera-Q™ is a protein hydrolysate comprised of 75% glycine and alanine that derived from a silk ?broin (protein) found in silkworm cocoons of all things!
Emerging research has demonstrated that supplementation with Cera-Q™ resists buildup of the hazardous substance beta-amyloid plaque, which has been linked to cognitive diseases, such as Alzheimer’s.[1] Cera-Q has been shown to be effective for people of all ages, especially in regards to improving learning and cognitive flexibility.[2,3]
Alzheimer's disease is currently the most destructive and prevalent neurodegenerative brain disease. It is estimated that at least 5.1 million Americans alone suffer from this devastating brain condition.
Korean medicine has been using silk fibroins for longevity and health for centuries.
Cera-Q is also able to increase glucose uptake into the brain. This is important, because Cera Q is able to provide support and energy, assisting the human brain with all levels of cognitive tasks.
The proteins found in Cera-Q (silk fibroin extract) are comprised of 75% glycine and alanine. These two amino acids are extremely useful in the battle against beta-amyloid plaque. Glycine and alanine work to bind with beta-amyloid plaque, impeding its buildup.
Beta-amyloid plaque attacks and corrupts neuron membrane receptors, and impedes communication between brain cells. It also leads to inflammation throughout the entire body. Current research hints at the likelihood that beta-amyloid plaque buildup is responsible for conditions such as Alzheimer's disease.

Cera-Q Bioavailability

Aging causes beta amyloid plaque to form around our neurons and degrades neuron performance and cognitive function.

Cera-Q utilizes a unique pleated sheet amino acid structure that binds to the beta amyloid plaque.

Cera-Q increases glucose uptake to the brain to improve brain function in people of all ages.
1. Chae HS, Kang YK, Shin YK, Lee HJ, Yu JI, Lee KG, Yeo JH, Kim YS, Sohn DS, Kim KY, Lee WB, Lee SH, Kim S. The Role of BF-7 on Neuroprotection and Enhancement of Cognitive Function. Kor J Physical Pharmacol 2004 Aug; 8:173-179.
2. Kim K, Park S, Yoo HK, et al. Brain factor-7 extracted from Bombyx mori enhances cognition and attention in normal children. J Med Food. 2009;12(3):643-648. doi:10.1089/jmf.2008.1236
3. Kim DK et al. The Role of BF-7 on Enhancement of Memory and Cognitive Function. The Korean J. Anat. 2004: 37(6), 519∼527
4. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02678611