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Yohimbine HCL™ Alpha Receptor Inhibitor

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A lot of this information was learned from IFPA Pro Tommy Jeffers who was mentored by Lyle McDonald.

Yohimbe is harvested from trees grown in Africa and is used and sold as a supplement for fat loss and male sexuality. Yohimbine is a component of yohimbe and is the main alkaloid (and main active component) within yohimbe that produces the desired effects such as fat loss and male function (more shakin’ and bakin’).

We want the Yohimbine HCl—the ACTIVE EXTRACT-- not yohimbe bark which tends to not be accurately dosed. Thus, DO NOT BUY the bark, get the HCl version, as we make at MTS Nutrition. That way, we know what dose we are getting and can control the amount carefully, thus minimizing any side effects and maximizing results.


Yohimbine works on the alpha receptors. Alpha receptors inhibit fat breakdown, so wherever they are abundant, you have a harder time losing fat in that area. For example, they are in high concentration in men’s lower back and abs and in women’s hips and thighs. Yohimbine HCl acts as an alpha receptor blocker. Since alpha receptors inhibit fat breakdown, and Yohimbine HCl inhibits alpha receptors, the net result is that you get an INCREASE in fat breakdown. Thus, you get a significant increase in fat breakdown directly from an area that normally is the hardest place to lose it from. This is one reason why trainers like myself ALWAYS have my clients use this precontest!


Based on the studies we have examined, I recommend working up to 0.2mg/Kg of bodyweight. So that means a 220lb bodybuilder (divide by 2.2 to get Kg) is 100Kg and would work up to a dose of 20mg of Yohimbine HCl, or eight capsules of MTS Nutrition Yohimbine HCl. I would typically start this person at one capsule and work up towards the full dose each consecutive session the person had no undesirable side effects.

As I was discussing with Joe Daniels of Swing This Kettlebells, Yohimbine HCl's effects work the best in the absence of insulin, and its effects start to diminish the more insulin is present. But this doesn’t mean that you cannot eat carbs! Insulin will usually be under control on a lower carb diet, like most trainers will put you on. Obviously, cardio first thing in the morning is a good time (with a scoop of MTS Nutrition Whey in your belly) and even post workout. What you can do is take the Yohimbine HCl DURING your weight training workout 15-20 minutes before you are done. Then, hop on the cardio post weights and BAM—FAT BLAST!


Some studies on YHCl we used to extrapolate this data:

1) Starke K, Trendelenburg AU, Limberger N. Presynaptic a 2-adrenoceptors: subtype determination. In: "Adrenoceptors: Structure, Function, and Pharmacology", Ruffolo, RR ed. Harwood Academic Publishers. 1995:99-108.
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3) Heible JP, Ruffolo RR, Starke K. Identification, characterization and subclassification of a 2-adrenoceptors: an overview. In: "a 2-Adrenergic Receptors: Structure, Function and Therapeutic Implications". Lanier SM, Limbird LE eds. Harwood Academic Press. 1997:1-18.
4) Raiteri M, Bonanno G, Maura G, et al. Subclassification of release-regulating a 2-autorecptors in human breain cortex. Br J Pharmacol 1992; 107:1146-1151.
5) Piascik MT, Smith MS, Edelmann SE, et al. a 2 and a 1-Adrenergic receptors in the regulation of peripheral vascular function. In: "a 2-Adrenergic Receptors: Structure, Function and Therapeutic Implications". Lanier SM and Limbird LE eds. Harwood Academic Publishers. 1997:171-178.
6) Trendelenburg AU, Limberger N, Rump LC. a 2-Adrenergic receptors of the a 2C subtype mediate inhibition of norepinephrine release in human kidney cortex. Mol Pharmacol 1994; 415:M68-M76.
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14) Millet L, Barbe M, Lafontan M, Berlan M, Galitzky J. Catecholamine effects on lipolysis and blood flow in human abdominal and femoral adipose tissue. J Appl Physiol 1998; 85(1):181-188.
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21) Horn PT, Kohli JD, Listinsky JJ, Goldberg LI. Regional variation in the alpha-adrenergic receptors in the canine resistance vessels. Nauyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol 1982; 318:166-172.
22) Flavahan NA, Cooke JP, Shepherd JT, Vanhoutte PM. Human postjunctional alpha-1 and alpha-2 adrenoceptors: differential distribution in arteries of the limbs. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 1987; 24:361-365.
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24) Enoksson S, Nordenstrom J, Bolinder J, Arner P. Influence of local blood flow on glycerol levels in human adipose tissue. Int J Obesity 1995; 19:350-354.
25) Kovach AGB, Kovach E, Sandor P, et al. Metabolic responses to localized ischemia in adipose tissue. J Surg Res 1976; 20:37-44.
26) Barbe P, Galitzky J, Riviere D, Senard JM, et al. Effects of physiological and pharmaceutical variation of sympathetic nervous system on plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations in man. Br J Pharm 1993; 36:25-30.
27) Harmelen VV, Lonnqvist F, Thorne A, et al. Noradrenaline-induced lipolysis in isolated mesenteric, omental and subcutaneous adipocytes from obese subjects. Int J Obesity 1997; 21:972-979.
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34) Berlan M, Galitzky J, Riviere D, et al. Plasma catecholamine levels and lipid mobilization induced by yohimbine in obese and non-obese women. Int J Obesity 1991; 15:305-315.
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36) Galitzky j, Riviere D, Tran MA, Montastruc JL, Berlan M. Pharmacodynamic effects of chronic yohimbine treatment in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990; 39:447-451.
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49) Murburg MM, Villacres EC, Ko BN, Veith RC. Effects of yohimbine on human sympathetic nervous system function. J Clin Endocrin Metab 1991; 73:861-865.
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53) Betz, JM, White KD. Gas chromatographic determination of yohimbine in commercial yohimbine products. J AOAC Int. 1995; 78:1189-1194.
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55) Guthrie SK, Hariharan M, Grunhaus LJ. Yohimbine bioavailability in humans. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990; 39:409-411.
56) Hedner T, Edgar B, Edvinsson L, Hedner J, et al. Yohimbine pharmacokinetics and interaction with the sympathetic nervous system in normal volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1992; 43:651-656.
57) Owen JA, Hakatsu SL, Fenemore J, Condra M, et al. The pharmacokinetics of yohimbine in man. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1987; 32:577-582.
58) Le Verge R, Le Corre P, Chevanne F. Determination of yohimbine and its two hydroxylated metabolites in humans by high-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectral analysis. J Chromatog 1992; 574:283-292.
59) Brannan T, Martinez-Tica J, Yahr MD. Effect of yohimbine on brain monoamines: an in vivo study. J Neural Transm 1991; 3:81-87.
60) Hubbard JW, Pfister SL, Beidinger Am, Herzig TC, et al. The pharmacokinetic properties of yohimbine in the conscious rat. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Arch Pharmacol 1988; 337:583-587.

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Eduardo M.
United States

Effective and reliable supplement

I’ve had an excellent experience using this product. From the very first week, I noticed a significant boost in energy and focus, making my workouts and daily activities more productive. The supplement delivers consistent performance without any negative side effects. It’s clear that the formulation is top-notch, and I appreciate the transparency with the ingredient list. I highly recommend this to anyone looking to enhance their routine safely and effectively. Great product that delivers on its promises!.

Mark T.
United States

Give it a try.

I like this product when I am dieting. Helps with libido for sure. Make sure to take an adequate amount so you get the most out of it.

Randy J.
United States

Great product.

Works exactly how it’s described. I use it daily.

Brent L.
United States

Great energy and pumps

It works really well. I only take one pill and it definitely increases blood flow, especially if you're hydrated.

The P.
United States

Best purchase you can make

I love this stuff. It works great!!

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Warning Concerning California Residents: This product may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or reproductive harm.