BTG (Bridge the Gap) by REL | BCAA Intra-Workout
Branched chain amino acids might be the single most important supplement a bodybuilder or athlete can take. We know that amino acids are what make up our muscle cells, but what many don’t know is that BCAA are essential, meaning in order to get them we have to eat them or take them as nutritional supplements. In short, it’s a major component in what makes somebody have slabs of muscle on their body or look relatively average. BCAA’s literally constitute more than 1/3 of the amino acid composition of skeletal muscle. That’s 33% of untapped growth if you’re not getting enough BCAA’s right now. Think about all of the untapped size and muscle you’re missing out on!
When you’re undergoing high intensity training, BCAA’s are oxidized for use as fuel and to maintain oxidative metabolite concentration. Supplementing with BCAA’s reduces exercise-induced muscle breakdown and also stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Daily BCAA supplementation may also reduce muscle damage, promote strength recovery, and even enhance blood oxygen carrying capacity. Of the three BCAA’s, Leucine plays a special role in skeletal muscle metabolism, in particular by exerting an anti-catabolic and anabolic effect on protein metabolism
BTG offers each of the BCAA’s specifically designed with a 2:1:1 ratio favoring Leucine, but as a bonus we included HICA, also known as 100% pharmaceutical grade leucic acid – a natural metabolite of the BCAA, Leucine to ensure maximum absorption of the branch chained amino acids. Plus we loaded it up with vitamin B-6 and B-12 to support your natural energy levels as many users prefer to take BCAA’s before doing morning cardio or between meals while dieting to support anti-catabolism while on a reduced calorie diet.
Repair, Recover, Rebuild – stop wasting your time training without it.