Machine Multi™ 100% RDA Multivitamin & Mineral Formula
Machine Multi is formulated to contain 100% RDA of all your important vitamins and minerals to ensure that you perform at your best. Machine Multi is the perfect multivitamin for you.
Message From The Machine
MTS Machine Multi is the optimal multivitamin for athletes because it's built by athletes. Machine Multi is specifically engineered to provide 100% of the RDA of all the essential vitamins and minerals that athletes need to support health, wellness, and function.
Hard training depletes the body’s stores of essential nutrients like magnesium, calcium, selenium, and many others. Machine Multi supplies all of those essentials, and many more, athletes need to replenish those crucial micronutrients drained by intense exercise. Among the numerous compounds contained in Machine Multi are B vitamins for improved energy production, vitamin D for bone health, and vitamins C and E for antioxidant support. Together, the components of Machine Multi fill the gaps in your foundation (diet), creating a body that is more durable and resilient.
To build the body of a machine you need a multi built by The Machine.
-Marc "The Machine" Lobliner
CEO, MTS Nutrition
The Competition Doesn’t stand a chance!
Machine Multi | Competitor 1 | Competitor 2 | |
100% RDA of ALL Vitamins and Minerals | Yes | No | No |
Adjustable Dosing | Yes | No | No |
100% Money Back Guarantee | Yes | Yes | No |
Under $10 | Yes | No | No |
Access to CEO | Yes | No | No |
Can Men and Women Take This?
YES! This is perfect for anyone!
1. Bikle DD. Vitamin D and Bone. Current osteoporosis reports. 2012;10(2):151-159. doi:10.1007/s11914-012-0098-z.
2. Kennedy DO. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy—A Review. Nutrients. 2016;8(2):68. doi:10.3390/nu8020068
3. Traber MG, Atkinson J. Vitamin E, Antioxidant and Nothing More. Free radical biology & medicine. 2007;43(1):4-15. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2007.03.024.