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New Year's Sale | 20% OFF + FREE eBooks

Covid-19 Information


As an "essential business", Tiger Fitness is still shipping out orders as fast as possible while taking extra precautions to keep our staff and customers safe. Our East Coast and West Coast distribution centers are both fully operational so that Tiger Fitness can provide your health and nutrition products in a timely manner.

Please choose a shipping address that you know you will have access to so you can receive your package.


Tiger Fitness recognizes that many interested parties are concerned about the spread of the novel COVID-19 virus and its potential impact on individuals and customers. 

Therefore, in order to protect Tiger Fitness employees, customers, facility visitors, and Tiger Fitness business processes from the effects of the COVID-19 virus, Tiger Fitness is taking the following precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

  • Tiger Fitness has increased the frequency of cleaning our public areas (including lobbies, offices, warehouses, door handles, public bathrooms, etc.) and has implemented the use of hospital-grade disinfectant.
  • All non-essential employees have been given the opportunity to work from home during this time. 
  • Tiger Fitness has held operations training on prevention, detection, and response to COVID-19.
  • Tiger Fitness has implemented mandatory daily temperature screenings to prevent employees with elevated temperatures from entering the buildings.
  • All sick personnel will be sent home immediately until medically cleared to come back to work. We provide paid sick time and other benefits to compensate full-time employees who are unable to work due to illness.
Tiger Fitness will continue to work to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all employees and customers during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at