OSTA-PLEX® is a combination of steroidal and nonsteroidal SARMs that work together synergistically to produce phenomenal gains. According to Hi-Tech's scientists OSTA-PLEX® is the most revolutionary product to hit the market in 10 years...
19-nor- androst-4- ene-17- one Enanthate The only known completely legal and extremely effective SARM on the market today. This compound can increase Lean Body Mass and increase size, but it has SARM properties. SARM’s are “Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators” which simply means they are selective in which androgen receptors they choose to attach to. They have an extremely high affinity for androgen receptors in our smooth muscle tissue.
This helps lead to significant size and strength enhancement, but does not affect the prostate or other organs normally affected by hormones.
Eucommia Ulmoides: Not to be confused with Eurycoma Longifolia or Long Jack! this herb goes beyond simple testosterone boosting. Eucommia Ulimoides works by providing compounds which can activate androgen receptors in the human body unlike other testosterone boosters.
7-methoxy-8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one: Is considered a P-SARM, which is a phytochemical (plant-derived) compound that mimics the effects of androgens on muscle mass, strength, bone growth, sexual drive and function, while at the same time not negatively effecting blood lipids or blood pressure.