Lower the pulleys to the bottom setting and stand between the attachment points.
Feet positioned in an athletic stance at shoulder-width.
Your knees are slightly bent and toes pointed straight ahead.
The core is braced and engaged with your shoulders pinned back and chest up.
Grab the cable handles and bring them to shoulder height with palms facing forward for the starting position.
Keep your wrists & forearms relatively vertical throughout the exercise.
Don't let your wrists roll back.
Press the pulleys up along a straight bar path.
At the top, your arms are fully extended and the weight is in a stable position overhead.
Imagine bring your armpits forward as you press.
Don't shrug your shoulders at the top.
Lower weight back down to the starting position.
Do not let your low back excessively arch (lumbar). You want to maintain the tight, strong posture, that you created at the beginning, throughout the exercise.