Military Workout: Elite Bodyweight & Conditioning Program
Most of you know I've been a lifting freak for 30 years. Yes, I'm that old. Few people know that I'm also an Army veteran. I've put in my time hammering out (what seems like) a million push-ups and flutterkicks, and running...and running...and running...and running.
My interest in fitness began at the age of 13. It was during this time that I developed my love for running. I continued to run until the age of 27, and have logged well over 6,000 total miles.
At the age of 18, I found the weight room. I would pump iron 4-5 times per week, run 3-4 times per week, and play basketball for about 10 hours per week. I loved being active and did it all.
My fitness habits formed waaaay back in the late 1980's; long before lifters picked up the fear that too much cardio or athletic training would hinder muscle gains. I didn't have this fear. I was young (or naive) and just did what I loved to do each day.
I love challenges. I also enjoying combining different styles of training. For this reason, I thought it would be fun to build a war-ready program that could help you transition from soft recruit to hardened veteran.
This program is dedicated to military veterans from around the world who have unselfishly dedicated their lives to keeping the peace. It incorporates bodyweight and calisthenics exercises, as well as running/sprinting. This isn't a muscle building workout by any means, but it can be used alongside any strength or bodybuilding program to help you prepare for basic training, or to just get into better shape.
It's also perfect as a stand-alone training program. I recommend performing this routine no more than 3 times per week, on alternating days. Make sure to rest about 48 hours in between sessions.
If you plan on using this program in addition to your muscle or strength building protocol, I would lift during the week and perform this routine on Saturday. Take off Sunday and rest before smashing the iron again on Monday.
Week 1
Monday - Upper Body Workout
Tuesday - Conditioning
Wednesday - Lower Body Workout
Thursday - Conditioning
Friday - Upper Body Workout B
Saturday - Bodyweight and Conditioning
Sunday - Rest
Week 2
Monday - Lower Body Workout
Tuesday - Conditioning
Wednesday - Upper Body Workout
Thursday - Conditioning
Friday - Lower Body Workout B
Saturday - Bodyweight and Conditioning
Sunday - Rest
Elite Bodyweight & Conditioning Program
The conditioning portion of this program should be performed 3x/week. Once with the bodyweight and calisthenics program, and twice during off days when you're not lifting. Here is the protocol:
Run/light Jog - 25 seconds
Sprint - 5 seconds
Run/light Jog - 25 seconds
Sprint - 5 seconds
Rest/light walk - 30 seconds
Repeat this cycle 10 times. This conditioning session will last a total of 15 minutes. If you are in great shape, like challenges and want to up the ante', you can extend this session upwards of 30 minutes.
Here is the bodyweight and calisthenics program. You will be performing a calisthenics exercise sandwiched between 2 sets of the same bodyweight movement. Here's an example:
Push Ups - 10 reps
Jumping Jacks - 20 reps
Push Ups - 10 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Do NOT rest when moving from push-ups to calisthenics to push-ups. ONLY rest after this 3 exercise grouping has been completed.
If you can't complete the number of stated reps for a given exercise, simply perform as many as possible.
Each grouping will be performed 3-5 times. After you have worked through a 3-5 set bodyweight/calisthenics protocol, rest one minute before moving on to the next exercise grouping.
Elite Military Workout
Bodyweight & Calisthenics
Grouping A - Performed 3-5x
Push Ups
Jumping Jacks
Push Ups
Rest - 30 seconds
Grouping B - Perform 3-5x
Jump Squat
Lying Leg Raises
Jump Squat
Rest - 30 seconds
Grouping C - Perform 3-5x
Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
Broad Jump
Pull Ups or Inverted Rows
Rest - 30 seconds
Grouping D - Perform 3-5x
Parallel Bar Dips or Bench Dips
30 seconds
Parallel Bar Dips or Bench Dips
Rest - 30 seconds
Grouping E - Perform 3-5x
Walking Lunge
5/each leg
Walking Lunge
5/each leg
If you try this program please let me know what you think in the comments section below.