Full Body Training eBook
The current scientific data favors full body training. It all makes sense since they not only burn more calories, but one can argue that with the increased frequency and volume your muscles receive, they are better than traditional bodybuilding splits for building muscle as well.
But full body training is boring as hell.
No pump and it gets monotonous doing the same stuff daily. It’s like Groundhog Day but at the gym. This is why I never did full body!
But what if we could focus on certain muscles, like a Push/Pull/Legs split and derive the benefits from focused training, get even MORE volume in less time, and still get the benefits of full body training?
As I researched how to design this and figured it out, my mind said what yours is saying right now…
Studies have demonstrated that supersets with antagonistic muscle groups either don’t affect strength gains or affect them VERY slightly. And we aren’t powerlifiting anyway, we are making muscle gains. That was integrated into this program so you can still keep your job, have a personal life and make optimal gains ALL AT THE SAME TIME!
This program is a modified, yet totally new and awesome, push/pull/legs split. Biceps on leg day? OH YEAH! Triceps on back day? YOU BETCHA!
Enough small talk, let’s get training!